I was very nervious doing our expo oral. I don't know why but when I have to do expo oral always I became nervious. I think our expo was with good structure and good powerpoint. I knew what I had to say but for the nervious I had to read a lot. For this I think my mark is a 7.
You can see my expo oral in Clara's space.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Can we live without humor?
Humans, to live together, (families or with friends) needs to use humor. It's impossible to be with other people 24h/day and don't laugh any time. You talk with others and sometimes the conversations are lazy. As a result we use humor to do mor fun the conversations.
Besides, humor gives to live a little bit of color. Without that resuruce, live wold be similar to black and white photos: can be a great photo but it default something. I think humor and laugh are the best parameters to know if one is happy or not.
In conclution, humor is necessary for us because give us a color to this life.
Breaking news: NBA lockout
Since last September, NBA (National Basketball Assotiation) is in lockout. This word in catalan means "tancament patronal". The owners are disagree with the collective agreement. They think that players win too much money and, logically, players say that the actual situation is good.
Both parts have negocied a few times with reunions of 12 hours but today we can say that is so far the NBA start. For this a lot of NBA players are coming to Europe. Rudy Fernandez (Dallas Mavericks) and Serge Ibaka (Oklahoma City Thunders) have gone to Real Madrid, Tony Parker (San Antonio Spurs) has arrived to ASVEL Lyon, Thiago Splitter (San Antonio Spurs) have signed for Valencia and Andrei Kirilenko (Utah Jazz) has gone to CSKA Moscow. There are other players that left from NBA but these are the most importants.
In my opinion, players and owners have to arrive to an agreement. Only for the public who wants to see the best baskeball of all the world. European basketball isn't the same that NBA because here there are a lot of leagues (country leagues) and a big competition (Euroleague). In USA this is different: there are only one championship with the bests teams of all times and this is what basketball fans is the best way to see basketball.
Both parts have negocied a few times with reunions of 12 hours but today we can say that is so far the NBA start. For this a lot of NBA players are coming to Europe. Rudy Fernandez (Dallas Mavericks) and Serge Ibaka (Oklahoma City Thunders) have gone to Real Madrid, Tony Parker (San Antonio Spurs) has arrived to ASVEL Lyon, Thiago Splitter (San Antonio Spurs) have signed for Valencia and Andrei Kirilenko (Utah Jazz) has gone to CSKA Moscow. There are other players that left from NBA but these are the most importants.
In my opinion, players and owners have to arrive to an agreement. Only for the public who wants to see the best baskeball of all the world. European basketball isn't the same that NBA because here there are a lot of leagues (country leagues) and a big competition (Euroleague). In USA this is different: there are only one championship with the bests teams of all times and this is what basketball fans is the best way to see basketball.
Breaking news: Bye Bye Berlusconi
I'm agree with Italian people who want that Berlusconi left. Althrough, they voted he a few years ago, so they must know who are voting for.
Now, the first minister Italian is Mario Monti, an important economist. He is the chosen because the economic situaction of the country is very bad. I'm disagree with this, because people must have the possibility to choose who governs us. Yes, maybe now for Italy (and Greece) it's good have economist on the goverment but they aren't chose for the people.
That's a good example to see that we are living an important historic period: democraticy's crisis. In this moment, I don't think people have the power of decide, the markets control us. We are living in a dictatorship of market!
Breaking news: Spain's Ghost Airport
This video explains the Ciudad Real airport case. Before 2007, when all the occidental world (include Spain) had money, was possible spend in big infrastructures (trains, airports, buldings...). Obiously, that's a good way to use money. Althrough, the airports and train stations were bulid in places that there aren't a lot of people. In my opinion this is for the famous "Cafe para todos" (Coffe for all).
The Ciudad Real's airoport is desertic. Any flying company wants use that place to put airplanes. The same happen with AVE stations: they are bulit in cities with a little number of people. I think that these money could be used to improve infrastuctures in places where there are more people. Durning spansih goverment had spent money in cases like Ciudad Real, now in 2011, AVE doesn't arrived to France (and now, with economical crisis will arrive more later).
When we got money we use it to do a lot of things that it seems that they are good, but when the bad times arrives, we see that these things aren't so good.
The Ciudad Real's airoport is desertic. Any flying company wants use that place to put airplanes. The same happen with AVE stations: they are bulit in cities with a little number of people. I think that these money could be used to improve infrastuctures in places where there are more people. Durning spansih goverment had spent money in cases like Ciudad Real, now in 2011, AVE doesn't arrived to France (and now, with economical crisis will arrive more later).
When we got money we use it to do a lot of things that it seems that they are good, but when the bad times arrives, we see that these things aren't so good.
Worst joke ever!
Here's the joke that I told on class. It's a very stupid joke!
An old person and a young person talking about time and getting older
Hello dear!
What’s up, granddad?
Well, today I feel bad, my legs are failing. I hate getting older, it’s a shit.
Really? I though being old would be fun...
Really it’s fun but I don’t know why all the old people say that it’s a shit, I said this because it’s a custom... I don’t think this, being older is the most fun experience in my life!
Are you kidding me? If I could I would be young forever. I’m afraid getting old.
When you get old you have another point of view to the world. For example, today you have to think about exams, homework, your future, maybe you have to study, to go to an after school...
Ah... and you only have to think if there will be a place on the bench for you...
Ha, ha, ha, I have to think how I will be happy this day and I always achieve this. So for me life is like the words of one of your songs: “Don’t worry, be happy”!
Hello dear!
What’s up, granddad?
Well, today I feel bad, my legs are failing. I hate getting older, it’s a shit.
Really? I though being old would be fun...
Really it’s fun but I don’t know why all the old people say that it’s a shit, I said this because it’s a custom... I don’t think this, being older is the most fun experience in my life!
Are you kidding me? If I could I would be young forever. I’m afraid getting old.
When you get old you have another point of view to the world. For example, today you have to think about exams, homework, your future, maybe you have to study, to go to an after school...
Ah... and you only have to think if there will be a place on the bench for you...
Ha, ha, ha, I have to think how I will be happy this day and I always achieve this. So for me life is like the words of one of your songs: “Don’t worry, be happy”!
Last school year
Now I will talk about last school year. Today, after summer, I can say that last year was the best school year for me. I get good marks and I enjoy during the year. I learned a lot of things too.
At the begining I was a little scared because I started Batxillerat. But quickly, I adapt to new timetable and more work. In the clasroom I enjoy during the year for Simon, Guillem C., Sebas, Paul, Pep, Quim, Omar and the rest of our classrom. With that people, was like return to childrish: we laugh, we turn the our bags, draw cricatures of ourselves... Here are a cricature drawed for Paul
I will explain this picture: Guillaemon is Guillem C. That's because he's head is so big and because is a little deaf (and Doraemon don't have ears), Adolf Zbinden is for Simon. That's because he's from Swiss and we say to him that he's nazi (but obiously is a lie). Sebas got that look for his long hair. Omar is draw it only like a black man. Tucaquim is for Quim, and that's for his long nose. "Unpeploompa! is for Pep because we said to him that looks like oompaloompa. And the last one I'm a monkey because Paul didn't find any strange feature. Maybe it's for my segond name: Mancilla is easy became to "Moncilla" from "mono". A few months later that Paul drew it that, they found me a feature: my big ears!
I hope this year I can repeat the last year experience but I know that 2nd Batxillerat is harder than 1st. But, for now I'm enjoing it too ;-)
At the begining I was a little scared because I started Batxillerat. But quickly, I adapt to new timetable and more work. In the clasroom I enjoy during the year for Simon, Guillem C., Sebas, Paul, Pep, Quim, Omar and the rest of our classrom. With that people, was like return to childrish: we laugh, we turn the our bags, draw cricatures of ourselves... Here are a cricature drawed for Paul
I will explain this picture: Guillaemon is Guillem C. That's because he's head is so big and because is a little deaf (and Doraemon don't have ears), Adolf Zbinden is for Simon. That's because he's from Swiss and we say to him that he's nazi (but obiously is a lie). Sebas got that look for his long hair. Omar is draw it only like a black man. Tucaquim is for Quim, and that's for his long nose. "Unpeploompa! is for Pep because we said to him that looks like oompaloompa. And the last one I'm a monkey because Paul didn't find any strange feature. Maybe it's for my segond name: Mancilla is easy became to "Moncilla" from "mono". A few months later that Paul drew it that, they found me a feature: my big ears!
I hope this year I can repeat the last year experience but I know that 2nd Batxillerat is harder than 1st. But, for now I'm enjoing it too ;-)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
inFamous is a Playstation videogame. The plot explains the story of Cole MacGrath, a bike mensenger. Cole was working when a strange bomb exploted near him. The explotion caused the destruction of all buldings of the city but Cole didn't die. He get electric powers and he became a super hero with electric powers. At the begining he don't know how to use these powers but during the game he learn it. Also, during first game he must destroy some bands that want get the power of city.
The visual graphics of this game are awesome, it seems that the player is in the city too. inFamous is an original game because for first time you can choose if you want to be "a good person" or a "bad person". Depending of your actions your karma can be positive or negative: for example, if you kill innocent people your negative karma will grow up. The player controls Cole with absolut freedom for all the city. We can use Cole's powers when we want do it. The main powers of Cole are: the thunder (to kill enemies) , the voltaic wave (to move things as cars), the thunder fell, the tension granade, the stactic thursters and the electric storm.
I discovered inFamous last summer. PlayStation Network (PSN) failed last spring and to reward the problems, give to users a free videogame to dowload. So in summer, I downloaded for free inFamous. After I discovered that on june inFamous 2 were in the stores. At begining of Novemeber, my cousin give me for my birthday a mini game of inFamous called inFamous: Festival of Blood where Cole is a vamp.
The visual graphics of this game are awesome, it seems that the player is in the city too. inFamous is an original game because for first time you can choose if you want to be "a good person" or a "bad person". Depending of your actions your karma can be positive or negative: for example, if you kill innocent people your negative karma will grow up. The player controls Cole with absolut freedom for all the city. We can use Cole's powers when we want do it. The main powers of Cole are: the thunder (to kill enemies) , the voltaic wave (to move things as cars), the thunder fell, the tension granade, the stactic thursters and the electric storm.
I discovered inFamous last summer. PlayStation Network (PSN) failed last spring and to reward the problems, give to users a free videogame to dowload. So in summer, I downloaded for free inFamous. After I discovered that on june inFamous 2 were in the stores. At begining of Novemeber, my cousin give me for my birthday a mini game of inFamous called inFamous: Festival of Blood where Cole is a vamp.
Tomorrow (20N), Spain celebrates general elections. Zapatero, the actual president, anunciated in summer that in 20 November. Until now, PSOE governed Spain with minority.
The majority of suveys for the 20N elections are saying that PP will win with absolut majority. I think this will happen because a lot of people is agry with PSOE. The majority of people think that Zapatero did bad a lot of things to finish the economical crisis and they look for a solution in PP. I don't think that to vote PP is the solution because will do the same as PSOE: do the things that EU say.
In my opinon, spanish people must to vote other politcal parties than PSOE or PP because in the background they are the same. Both parties are interesed in keep this system and our system is dying gradually. We can change this voting politcal parties who really want change (not PP who say: "Vote for the change") as for example Escons en Blanc, Partit Pirata and others.
Sumarizing, PP will win for majority the elections of tomorrow because the majority of people in Spain thinks that they can change this but, in my opinion, PP won't change nothing. To resume my ideas I will took a sentence that I discover on Facebook: "Entre rosas y gaviotas nos han tomado por idiotas" (Between roses and gulls, they have taken us as iditots)
PD: This is the result of reflection day, haha.
The majority of suveys for the 20N elections are saying that PP will win with absolut majority. I think this will happen because a lot of people is agry with PSOE. The majority of people think that Zapatero did bad a lot of things to finish the economical crisis and they look for a solution in PP. I don't think that to vote PP is the solution because will do the same as PSOE: do the things that EU say.
In my opinon, spanish people must to vote other politcal parties than PSOE or PP because in the background they are the same. Both parties are interesed in keep this system and our system is dying gradually. We can change this voting politcal parties who really want change (not PP who say: "Vote for the change") as for example Escons en Blanc, Partit Pirata and others.
Sumarizing, PP will win for majority the elections of tomorrow because the majority of people in Spain thinks that they can change this but, in my opinion, PP won't change nothing. To resume my ideas I will took a sentence that I discover on Facebook: "Entre rosas y gaviotas nos han tomado por idiotas" (Between roses and gulls, they have taken us as iditots)
PD: This is the result of reflection day, haha.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Club Joventut Roses 18 - 14 Club Joventut Mataró
This year, I play for Club Joventut Roses because Club Handbol Esplais (my ex team) and Club Joventut Roses merged in 2009. Thit led that some categories play in Roses and other in Castelló.
Last weekend, handball regular season started. We played against Club Joventut Mataró who last year we (Club Handbol Esplais) won for one goal. Altrhough, my new team mates never have won any handball match and they wanted win the first.
Normally the final score is about 25 goals but these match finished 18-14. Thit shows that it was a defensive match. Both teams defened very good and our gooalkeeper, Nico, stop a lot of balls. In the second half, we get a distance of five goals and we won the first match on the history of Club Joventut Roses! I only scored two goals but I think I did a good defense. The maximum scorer was Sergio Gómez (our pivot) who scored 10 goals.
I felt very good to be a part of this awesome team, maybe they aren't the best handball players but they are the best team mates!
Here are the photo's team!
L to R, up: Isidro (coach), Nico, Bada, Sergio G., Mariano, Guillem, Marcel and Gil
down: Yan, Joan, Dominik, Sergio T. and Artiom
Last weekend, handball regular season started. We played against Club Joventut Mataró who last year we (Club Handbol Esplais) won for one goal. Altrhough, my new team mates never have won any handball match and they wanted win the first.
Normally the final score is about 25 goals but these match finished 18-14. Thit shows that it was a defensive match. Both teams defened very good and our gooalkeeper, Nico, stop a lot of balls. In the second half, we get a distance of five goals and we won the first match on the history of Club Joventut Roses! I only scored two goals but I think I did a good defense. The maximum scorer was Sergio Gómez (our pivot) who scored 10 goals.
I felt very good to be a part of this awesome team, maybe they aren't the best handball players but they are the best team mates!
Here are the photo's team!
L to R, up: Isidro (coach), Nico, Bada, Sergio G., Mariano, Guillem, Marcel and Gil
down: Yan, Joan, Dominik, Sergio T. and Artiom
Saturday, October 8, 2011
6-O Student's strike
Last 6 October, the INS Castelló d'Empúries Batxillerat students did strike. We protested against the goverment cuts in education. We think that politicans should to reduce their salaries. Also, they use too many money for militar things, as wars or increase policemen number. In fact, for 10€ we give to the State, 1€ is for military purposes.
On Wednesday 5, in highschool, some people of 1st and 2nd Batxillerat made three banners with differents missatges as "No a les retallades" (No to cuts) or "Som 40 a classe" (We are 40 in classroom). Also we protested against the TSJC's court ruling and we did a banner who said: "L'escola en català" (The school in catalan).
On Thursday 6, six students of 2nd Batxillerat went to Barcelona's demonstration. That's six students were Elvira, Maria, Núria, Clara, Manel and I. Also Sandra, IES Deulofeu's student, came with us. The demonestration started at 12:00 in Plaça Universitat and finished at 13.30 in Plaça Sant Jaume. The event was very peaceful and without important accidents.
I'm very pround of went to that demonstration, althrough it's probably we don't get nothing. I think that was a good expererience for me, not only by protests but also for share a wonderful day with friends.
Here are some photos:
On Wednesday 5, in highschool, some people of 1st and 2nd Batxillerat made three banners with differents missatges as "No a les retallades" (No to cuts) or "Som 40 a classe" (We are 40 in classroom). Also we protested against the TSJC's court ruling and we did a banner who said: "L'escola en català" (The school in catalan).
On Thursday 6, six students of 2nd Batxillerat went to Barcelona's demonstration. That's six students were Elvira, Maria, Núria, Clara, Manel and I. Also Sandra, IES Deulofeu's student, came with us. The demonestration started at 12:00 in Plaça Universitat and finished at 13.30 in Plaça Sant Jaume. The event was very peaceful and without important accidents.
I'm very pround of went to that demonstration, althrough it's probably we don't get nothing. I think that was a good expererience for me, not only by protests but also for share a wonderful day with friends.
Here are some photos:
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Llança's camping
Last June, I and my friends (incluing people of English class) went to Llança for a few days. We stayed in a camping and pass togheter 3 days. These days were awesome days: all day with friends in the beach, without homework or job; at nights, party...
Here are a video did by Clara and some photos took by Sandra. Sònia, I know you are the Simon's TdR tutor. I hope you don't change your opinion about him seeing this video. He was young and crazy, now he is mature :-)
The first day was estrange for me: we met in Llançà on Monday 20 but some people couldn’t go that day. So the majority of us went to Llançà the next day. I arrived by car with my parents on Tuesday 21. When we arrrive to the camping we didn’t see nobody. My parents left and I phoned my friends. Maria told me that they was in Llança’s beach. Llançà’s beach is big, so I lost looking for the others. Finally after more than 1h lost, I found they at 3.00 p.m. I didn’t have lunch and they did. So I had to eat rests of their lunch. Aforunatly, the rest of the day was normal.
When I remeber these days, I feel very good and relaxed so it’s useful think in Llançà camping times in difficult moments. Sometimes, we talk about repeat that experience but with 2nd Batxillerat, TdR and Selectivitat is impossible do it again (for the moment).
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
New school year!
Hi! I'm here again, now for the 2011-12 school year... I hope you enjoy reading my reflections, tasks, piece of news etc!
I post here my email writed on monday 19 September 2011 to Sònia, my English teacher. It talks about my dreams.
I post here my email writed on monday 19 September 2011 to Sònia, my English teacher. It talks about my dreams.
Hi Sonia, how are going this beginning of school year? I hope you're having a good start.
As you know, I’m sending you this email for explain my dreams. Honestly, I’ve never thought in become a famous sport star (and I don’t know why, all kids wanted be like Ronaldinho or Zidane!)
A real dream I have, since I was 13 aprox., is travel to Brazil. I think that country is amazing: you can go to awesome beaches, go to the most important carnival on the world, visit the Christ the Redeemer... Also you can visit favelas in Sao Paulo, the other Brazil’s face. The lenguage is other thing because I love that country. I don’t know why but I love the portuguese and brazilian accent.
Other dream I have (well, it’s a goal) is finish 2nd Batxillerat, pass Selectivitat and study an history career. Always I love socials sciences (geography and history) because help us to learn why leave in this world. It’s possible that history career don’t give me a job but for the moment, I don’t think in workplace, only in study my favourite “subject”.
My third dream, and the most utopican, is work for a better world. In the last months, I realized that poltial class is very corrupt. I supose that 15M moviment helped to me for open my eyes and say stop. I know that is very difficult but if the majority people are united, why not?
I hope you enjoyed reading my dreams!
See you tomorrow,
Guillem Mancilla
P.D.: It’s 10.40 pm, I know, it’s too late. Sorry
Hi Sonia, how are going this beginning of school year? I hope you're having a good start.
As you know, I’m sending you this email for explain my dreams. Honestly, I’ve never thought in become a famous sport star (and I don’t know why, all kids wanted be like Ronaldinho or Zidane!)
A real dream I have, since I was 13 aprox., is travel to Brazil. I think that country is amazing: you can go to awesome beaches, go to the most important carnival on the world, visit the Christ the Redeemer... Also you can visit favelas in Sao Paulo, the other Brazil’s face. The lenguage is other thing because I love that country. I don’t know why but I love the portuguese and brazilian accent.
Other dream I have (well, it’s a goal) is finish 2nd Batxillerat, pass Selectivitat and study an history degree. Always I love socials sciences (geography and history) because help us to learn why leave in this world. It’s possible that history career don’t give me a job but for the moment, I don’t think in workplace, only in study my favourite “subject”.
My third dream, and the most utopican, is work for a better world. In the last months, I realized that poltial class is very corrupt. I supose that 15M moviment helped me open my eyes and say stop. I know that is very difficult but if the majority people are united, why not?
I hope you enjoyed reading my dreams!
See you tomorrow,
Guillem Mancilla
P.D.: It’s 10.40 pm, I know, it’s too late. Sorry
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Final Reflection
I think I improve a little in this year especially vocabulary and use of realtive pronouns. I think that now I know how use relative pronouns in English. Also I leared more vocabulary reading books and doing exercices in class (for example: barking, enviroment, waste...) However, I don't know why (probably for the "stress" of Batxillerat) my English marks are worst than other years.
In my opinion, Grammar Exercices show my real level English because with Grammar Excercies you demostrate that you have understand English. Probably, readings also show the level English because are essential for understand English lenguage.
It seems that readings are really useful for me to improve my level English because in readings you learn vocabulary and how structure sentences.
I don't see useful do activites as play games. It's true that English games are fun (I'm not disargee play games) but I think that isn't useful. They are more or less imporants for do diferent things but talking about use, I don't think that games are useful.
I enjoyed doing activites as see English films o listenings because are fun but also you learn different things.
In my opinion, Grammar Exercices show my real level English because with Grammar Excercies you demostrate that you have understand English. Probably, readings also show the level English because are essential for understand English lenguage.
It seems that readings are really useful for me to improve my level English because in readings you learn vocabulary and how structure sentences.
I don't see useful do activites as play games. It's true that English games are fun (I'm not disargee play games) but I think that isn't useful. They are more or less imporants for do diferent things but talking about use, I don't think that games are useful.
I enjoyed doing activites as see English films o listenings because are fun but also you learn different things.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Oral Presentation and Podscat
I got problems to upload videos and podscats so I can't post these tasks. In this post I can valorate my oral presentation and upload our Powerpoint.
I think our oral presentation wasn't good because we didn't prepare good (we don't get time) and I was very nervious, so I think our mark is a correct mark.
I think our oral presentation wasn't good because we didn't prepare good (we don't get time) and I was very nervious, so I think our mark is a correct mark.
V for Vendetta
The last film that I have seen is V for Vendetta. This film is based on a book which calls at the same name ass the film. The film director is James McTeigue, who was born in Australia. The actors are Nataile Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Fry and others.
The plot of the film is based in the V's history. V (Hugo Weaving) is a mysterious man who always wear a mask. This man live in London, England. The political system isn't a demoracy but is a dictatorship whose leader is Adam Sutler. V wants destroy the dicatorship for be free. V found a young girl, called Evey Hammond (Nataile Portman), who is attacked for the police. V wants change the society and shows to Evey what can he do. In the first part of the film, Evey lives with V in his home and sometimes V go out (probably to kill people realtionship with Sutler). In the second part Evey is tried of V and leaves from his house. Now, Evey lives with a fellow worker. In his house she is captured and must think how escape from jawl.
I think V for Vendetta is an excellent film: good scenes, great actors and surprsing end! In our time I think that is a fantastic film because talk about change and new society. Also I think that we should learn about V's speech. I recomend this film for people who are disagree with our system.
The plot of the film is based in the V's history. V (Hugo Weaving) is a mysterious man who always wear a mask. This man live in London, England. The political system isn't a demoracy but is a dictatorship whose leader is Adam Sutler. V wants destroy the dicatorship for be free. V found a young girl, called Evey Hammond (Nataile Portman), who is attacked for the police. V wants change the society and shows to Evey what can he do. In the first part of the film, Evey lives with V in his home and sometimes V go out (probably to kill people realtionship with Sutler). In the second part Evey is tried of V and leaves from his house. Now, Evey lives with a fellow worker. In his house she is captured and must think how escape from jawl.
I think V for Vendetta is an excellent film: good scenes, great actors and surprsing end! In our time I think that is a fantastic film because talk about change and new society. Also I think that we should learn about V's speech. I recomend this film for people who are disagree with our system.
Angela Merkel to seek EU help for wronged spanish farmers
That pize of news explain that German Chancellor, Angela Merkel is agree to help farmers in spain because the lost has been high. Also, the pize of news talks about how is E coli and says that this bacteria is highly contagious from human to human.
I agree with Angela Merkel's idea becuase spainsh farmers have lost a lot of money and they must recover it. Also I don't understand why people said that cause of E coli was spanish vegetables.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Translating a song: Obrint Pas - La Flama
"No et limites a contemplar / Don't limit yourself to see
aquestes hores que ara vénen, / these hours which now are coming
baixa al carrer i participa. / go to street and take part
No podran res davant d´un poble / They can't do nothing in front people
unit, alegre i combatiu" / united, happy and combative
Amb l’espurna de la història / With spark of the history
i avançant a pas valent, / and advancing with bold step
hem encès dins la memòria / we have lit into memory
la flama d’un sentiment. / a flame of a sense.
Viure sempre corrent, / To live always running
avançant amb la gent, / advancing with people
rellevant contra el vent, / reliving against wind
transportant sentiments. / carrying senses.
Viure mantenint viva / To live keeping alive
la flama a través dels temps, / the flame into times
la flama de tot un poble / the flame of a people
en moviment. / moving
Amb columnes de paraules / With words colummns
i travessant la llarga nit, / and acrossing long night
hem fet de valls, mars i muntanyes, / we have done of valeys, seas and mountains
vells escenaris d’un nou crit. / old places of a shout
Viure sempre corrent, / To live always running
avançant amb la gent, / advancing with people
rellevant contra el vent, / reliving against wind
transportant sentiments. / carrying senses.
Viure mantenint viva / To live keeping alive
la flama a través dels temps, / the flame into times
la flama de tot un poble / the flame of a people
en moviment./ moving
FCBarcelona - RMadrid
Last two weeks Futbol Club Barcelona and Real Madrid have played four times between them! They played three competitions: Spanish League (the first match), King's Cup (the second match) and UEFA Champions League (the third and fourth matches).
The first match was very adjusted: Barça get the possetion of ball but Madrid defended very good. Unfortunatly for Jose Mourinho, Madrid coach, in the 51th minute Raul Albiol (Madrid) comete penalty. The referee showed red card to Albiol and Lionel Messi (Barça) scored the penalty. After twenty minutes Dani Alves (Barça) did penalty and Cristiano Ronaldo (Madrid) scored. Finally, the first match finished 1-1. This match was the less important because in Spanish League, Barça get 8 points more than Madrid.
The second match was more important because the team who win the match, win the King's Cup. In the first half Madrid get more oportunites for score but the players didn't score. In the second part was very different, Barça get the ball again and the oportunites. The 90 minutes finished 0-0, so they had to play the extra time. In these time both teams were tried but in the 102 minute, Cristiano Ronaldo scored and obligated Barça score for go to penalties round. Barça didn't scored and Madrid won the first cup in two years.
The third match was the most contrversial of four matches. This match was the 1st leg and was played in Santiago Bernabeu (Madrid's field). Mourinho proposed a defensive match (for finish 0-0 and score some goal in Barcelona) but in minute 60 Pepe (Madrid) saw red-card. This provoced the anger of Mourinho who also saw red-card. Since these moment Barça attack a lot for score and get adventatge for the 2nd leg. The match finished 0-2 with two scores of Lionel Messi.
After the match, Mourinho said: "Today has been shown that at Barcelona you have no chance. For UEFA does not leave any of the other teams play against them and I don't understand why."
The last match (the 2nd leg of the Champions Semifinals) was so intense. Madrid wanted score at the beginning for go back. Barça controled the match and arrived at 2nd half 0-0. In the 2nd half Madrid atacked more but was Barça who scored first (Pedro). Madrid didn't lose the hope and score (Marcelo). The match finished, Barça arrived to Wembley's final and the four "clássics" in two weeks finished.
The second match was more important because the team who win the match, win the King's Cup. In the first half Madrid get more oportunites for score but the players didn't score. In the second part was very different, Barça get the ball again and the oportunites. The 90 minutes finished 0-0, so they had to play the extra time. In these time both teams were tried but in the 102 minute, Cristiano Ronaldo scored and obligated Barça score for go to penalties round. Barça didn't scored and Madrid won the first cup in two years.
The third match was the most contrversial of four matches. This match was the 1st leg and was played in Santiago Bernabeu (Madrid's field). Mourinho proposed a defensive match (for finish 0-0 and score some goal in Barcelona) but in minute 60 Pepe (Madrid) saw red-card. This provoced the anger of Mourinho who also saw red-card. Since these moment Barça attack a lot for score and get adventatge for the 2nd leg. The match finished 0-2 with two scores of Lionel Messi.
The last match (the 2nd leg of the Champions Semifinals) was so intense. Madrid wanted score at the beginning for go back. Barça controled the match and arrived at 2nd half 0-0. In the 2nd half Madrid atacked more but was Barça who scored first (Pedro). Madrid didn't lose the hope and score (Marcelo). The match finished, Barça arrived to Wembley's final and the four "clássics" in two weeks finished.
My dog
My dog is called Kiro and he's 4 years ago. The history of why his name is very curious: The first syllabe, KI-, comes from Kimi Raikkonen, a finnish driver Formula1, and the second syllabe, -RO, comes from Valentino Rossi, an italian rider MotoGP.
My family and I adopted Kiro in Figueres on May 2006, when I was in 1st of E.S.O. In these time, Kiro was four or five months ago and he was so little. I rembember Kiro's first day in my house: he was very afraid! Also I rembember that he was shaking. Now, Kiro is very different.
My dog is a little bit crazy because when he wants to do a ride he bark until somebody do the ride with him. He is a little bit nuisance too: when he want eat human food, he chase you until you become angry or until you give some food for him.
However, I love Kiro because when I feel bad or agry he gives my company. I think Kiro can brighten your day because he is a cheerful dog.
My family and I adopted Kiro in Figueres on May 2006, when I was in 1st of E.S.O. In these time, Kiro was four or five months ago and he was so little. I rembember Kiro's first day in my house: he was very afraid! Also I rembember that he was shaking. Now, Kiro is very different.
My dog is a little bit crazy because when he wants to do a ride he bark until somebody do the ride with him. He is a little bit nuisance too: when he want eat human food, he chase you until you become angry or until you give some food for him.
However, I love Kiro because when I feel bad or agry he gives my company. I think Kiro can brighten your day because he is a cheerful dog.
Friday, June 3, 2011
A day of my life
In this text I will talk about how is a day of my life. I wake up at 6.55 a.m. After, I get shower during 10 or 15 minutes. When I finish to get shower I dress. I have breakfast at 7.15 a.m. aproximatly. After that I prepare the school bag and I clean my teeth. At 7.45 a.m., I go to highschool with my mum. Before to go to highschool, we go to Manel's house and he and his sister go with us to highschool. At 7.50 a.m. we arrive to IES Castelló d'Empúries and we in to the classroom. I'm in highschool since 8.00 a.m. to 2.25 p.m. except on Monday (since 8.00 a.m. to 4.25 p.m) and on Wednesday (since 8.00 a.m. to 1.25 p.m.)
When I finish highschool I return to my house with Manel's mum. I have lunch there (except Monday when I have lunch in Punt de Trobada) and I do homework. On Wednesday and Friday I go to train children (I'm coach) and I go to train.
So I go to CEIP Joana d'Empúries, where I train with children, at 5.00 p.m. The children's training finishes at 6.45 p.m. and my training begins at 7.00 p.m. so I must go quickly to Castello's pavailon for train. I finish my training at 8.45 p.m. After finish my training I return to home where I have dinner and I see TV. I go to bed at 11.00 p.m. aproximatly.
When I finish highschool I return to my house with Manel's mum. I have lunch there (except Monday when I have lunch in Punt de Trobada) and I do homework. On Wednesday and Friday I go to train children (I'm coach) and I go to train.
So I go to CEIP Joana d'Empúries, where I train with children, at 5.00 p.m. The children's training finishes at 6.45 p.m. and my training begins at 7.00 p.m. so I must go quickly to Castello's pavailon for train. I finish my training at 8.45 p.m. After finish my training I return to home where I have dinner and I see TV. I go to bed at 11.00 p.m. aproximatly.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Giro d'Italia 2011 and Alberto Contador
Giro d'Italia is a cyclist race celebrated in May of every year. This race, with Tour de France and Vuelta a España, is one of the more important of the year. Also, Giro is the first because Tour is in July and Vuelta in September.
I think that this year, Giro is very hard because only five stages are completly plain! The rest of stages are time trial (three), hard mountain (eight) or easy mountain (five). For this, in my opinion, this Giro is for climber cyclists like for example Alberto Contador, who's my favourite cyclist. I think that he will win this Giro because he's the stronger.
As I said, Contador is my favourite cyclist. This is because he is the best climber of all the world. The first time that I saw Alberto Contador cycling on TV was amazing! It was in Vuelta 2008 in Angliru mountain (in Asturias). He was fighting for the first place of classification. Contador climbed up to Angliru's mountain great and won the stage and the first place on classification. Next day, the Vuelta climbed up to Fuentes de Invierno and also was amazing: Contador won again and sentenced Vuelta 2008. After Vuelta 2008, I saw Tour 2009 and again Contador won in Paris. For this I think he is the best climbing.
I think that this year, Giro is very hard because only five stages are completly plain! The rest of stages are time trial (three), hard mountain (eight) or easy mountain (five). For this, in my opinion, this Giro is for climber cyclists like for example Alberto Contador, who's my favourite cyclist. I think that he will win this Giro because he's the stronger.
As I said, Contador is my favourite cyclist. This is because he is the best climber of all the world. The first time that I saw Alberto Contador cycling on TV was amazing! It was in Vuelta 2008 in Angliru mountain (in Asturias). He was fighting for the first place of classification. Contador climbed up to Angliru's mountain great and won the stage and the first place on classification. Next day, the Vuelta climbed up to Fuentes de Invierno and also was amazing: Contador won again and sentenced Vuelta 2008. After Vuelta 2008, I saw Tour 2009 and again Contador won in Paris. For this I think he is the best climbing.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Iceland Volcano erupts (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/eu_iceland_volcano)
These pice of a news explain the eruption of a Iceland Volcano. The volcano name is Grimsvötn and began to erupt in 21 May 2011. Last year, in Iceland also a vulcano began to erupt (called Eyjafjallajökull). The Eyjafjallajökull eruption caused the close of air space for a week. This provoced the suspension of a lot of things like a MotoGP race in Japan. Also provocate that Barça went to Milano by bus for play the semi-final of Champions League. Other thing that 2010 eruption provocate were that in some places in Europe arrive the ash from Volcano. Some european people breath the toxic ash but that didn't cause any problem.
The 2011 Iceland eruption, has not caused nothing yet. But it's possible, that ash arrive early to Europe. Experts says that next days ash will arrive to London. At the moment the eruption is more little than 2010 eruption.
I think that Grimsvötn eruption won't be more problematic than Eyjafjallajökull eruption but early we'll can't travel to places like London or Dublin.
The 2011 Iceland eruption, has not caused nothing yet. But it's possible, that ash arrive early to Europe. Experts says that next days ash will arrive to London. At the moment the eruption is more little than 2010 eruption.
I think that Grimsvötn eruption won't be more problematic than Eyjafjallajökull eruption but early we'll can't travel to places like London or Dublin.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Twitter and Facebook
Last times, the social networks's importance have increased considerably. The two principal social networks are Twitter and Facebook and they are very different but both are very popular in the people of today.
Twitter consists in explain what happens or what are you doing in 120 characters. The first idea of Twitter is try that people explain to world (using hadstags) what are they doing. This has been very useful because Twitter provocate things like Egypt revolution or Spanish revolution. Also this social network allow the participation in TV or radio programs. Twitter is similar to a SMS: you send it for someone, it's short and little and it's instant (and the most important it's free!) In Twitter you can follow the 'twitts' of somebody and somebody can follow you.
Facebook is a little bit different than Twitter. Facebook is more complex than Twitter. In Facebook you got a friends, no followers. Also, you can say no to be friends. If you are friend of somebody, you can see his wall, the palce where you write your 'status'. In the wall appears the groups or pages that you are fan. The first idea of Facebook was create a social network in Cambridge but this has been globalized. On Facebook you can upload videos, photos and links about news, music...
The unique social network I use is Facebook. I don't use Twitter but I tryed in but I don't like it. For my Facebook is very utlity beacuse I can chat with my friends or class mates for ask about homework, for example. Sometimes I upload photos I took in travels or old photos that I found in my house. In Facebook also I can chat with friends that I don't see since months or years. It's is very important for keep the friendship (altrhough in distance)
Twitter consists in explain what happens or what are you doing in 120 characters. The first idea of Twitter is try that people explain to world (using hadstags) what are they doing. This has been very useful because Twitter provocate things like Egypt revolution or Spanish revolution. Also this social network allow the participation in TV or radio programs. Twitter is similar to a SMS: you send it for someone, it's short and little and it's instant (and the most important it's free!) In Twitter you can follow the 'twitts' of somebody and somebody can follow you.
Facebook is a little bit different than Twitter. Facebook is more complex than Twitter. In Facebook you got a friends, no followers. Also, you can say no to be friends. If you are friend of somebody, you can see his wall, the palce where you write your 'status'. In the wall appears the groups or pages that you are fan. The first idea of Facebook was create a social network in Cambridge but this has been globalized. On Facebook you can upload videos, photos and links about news, music...
The unique social network I use is Facebook. I don't use Twitter but I tryed in but I don't like it. For my Facebook is very utlity beacuse I can chat with my friends or class mates for ask about homework, for example. Sometimes I upload photos I took in travels or old photos that I found in my house. In Facebook also I can chat with friends that I don't see since months or years. It's is very important for keep the friendship (altrhough in distance)
My favourite radio transmitter is RAC1. RAC1 is a catalan radio that began the emissions in May 2000 and belongs to Grup Godó. People like Toni Soler, Toni Clapés, Jordi Basté, Ramón Pellicer, Albert Om or Manel Fuentes have worked in this radio. The principal programs of this radio talk about actuality (or news), sports and humor. Last year RAC1 increase the numbers of audience. Now, this radio is the most listened in Catalunya.
I listen RAC1 since 2006 aproximatly. In these times my favourite programs were Minoria Absoluta directed by Toni Soler, Queco Novell and Manel Lucas and Tu Diràs directed by Jordi Basté.
Minoria absoluta was a humor program similar to Polonia (TV program in TV3). In fact, Polonia is based in Minoria Absoluta and the actors are the same. Minoria Absoluta program disappered in 2009.
Tu Diràs is a sports program. When I began to listen this program, Tu Dirás was presented by Jordi Basté but in 2008 Basté went to other program and Joan Maria Pou began to direct Tu Diràs.
In 2009 I began to listen other programs of RAC1 like La Competència (subsitute of Minoria Absoluta), Primer Toc or Versió RAC1.
La Competència began on the radio in 2009 and it's directed by Òscar Andreu and Òscar Dalmau. This program it's very fun because they don't imite politicians like Minoria Absoluta, they invent characters as for example Mohamed Jordi or Jean Paul Desgraves. In my opinion, La Competència is the best program on RAC1 now.
Primer toc is very similiar to Tu Diràs but on the afternoon. Tu Diràs is bradcast on night. Primer Toc, directed by Raül Llimós, give us sport news but sometimes are strange or freaky news so is a different sports program. Also they talk about habitual topics on sports programs.
Versió RAC1 is a talk show directed by Toni Clapés. This program is very varied: they do humor, talk about actuality and sports, they do interviews... In my opinion it's an interesing program to listen beacuse you learn a lot and also is fun.
I listen RAC1 since 2006 aproximatly. In these times my favourite programs were Minoria Absoluta directed by Toni Soler, Queco Novell and Manel Lucas and Tu Diràs directed by Jordi Basté.
Minoria absoluta was a humor program similar to Polonia (TV program in TV3). In fact, Polonia is based in Minoria Absoluta and the actors are the same. Minoria Absoluta program disappered in 2009.
Tu Diràs is a sports program. When I began to listen this program, Tu Dirás was presented by Jordi Basté but in 2008 Basté went to other program and Joan Maria Pou began to direct Tu Diràs.
In 2009 I began to listen other programs of RAC1 like La Competència (subsitute of Minoria Absoluta), Primer Toc or Versió RAC1.
La Competència began on the radio in 2009 and it's directed by Òscar Andreu and Òscar Dalmau. This program it's very fun because they don't imite politicians like Minoria Absoluta, they invent characters as for example Mohamed Jordi or Jean Paul Desgraves. In my opinion, La Competència is the best program on RAC1 now.
Primer toc is very similiar to Tu Diràs but on the afternoon. Tu Diràs is bradcast on night. Primer Toc, directed by Raül Llimós, give us sport news but sometimes are strange or freaky news so is a different sports program. Also they talk about habitual topics on sports programs.
Versió RAC1 is a talk show directed by Toni Clapés. This program is very varied: they do humor, talk about actuality and sports, they do interviews... In my opinion it's an interesing program to listen beacuse you learn a lot and also is fun.
Spanish revolution
In May 2011, a lot of Spanish people has taken the streets to prostest against the system. These people are tried with all politicans of around Spain. Also they think that spanish people should vote for little parties and no vote for the biggest parties (PSOE and PP). They principal argument against spanish politicans is the corruption. PSOE and PP included corrupt politicans in lists. Other argument is the inefficiency against the economic crisis.
In my opinon this spanish revolution is good for our system because the situation in the country is bad. I think that people must show the indignation on the elections. People must go to vote for show to all politicans that they aren't good for us.
There are people of many ideologies in favor of the revolution but they have something in common: the change. Some poltical parties (mainly left parties) have wanted support the revolution but people has said that this revolution is against all currents spanish politicans.
In my opinon this spanish revolution is good for our system because the situation in the country is bad. I think that people must show the indignation on the elections. People must go to vote for show to all politicans that they aren't good for us.
There are people of many ideologies in favor of the revolution but they have something in common: the change. Some poltical parties (mainly left parties) have wanted support the revolution but people has said that this revolution is against all currents spanish politicans.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Simpson
My favourite TV series is The Simpson. The principal caracters of this series are Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson. The are a family who live in Sprinfield, an american city.
Homer is the dad and the principal carcter of the TV series. He works in a nuclear plant. He's vague, ugly, fat and he loves eat and stay in sofa. He had work in different jobs like for example spaceman, fireman, barman or clown.
Marge Simpson is Homer's wife. She's the mother of three children (Bart, Lisa and Maggie). She works in home doing dinner or lunch.
Bart is the oldest of the sons. He is 10 years old. He goes to 5th course in Springfield School but he don't study. Bart is a rebel teen and he's best friend is Milhouse.
Lisa is Bart's sister. She goes to 3th course in Springfiled School. She is very intelligent and her live are the studies. When Bart and Lisa want do plans toghether, she thinks because her intelligent is superior that Bart's intelligent.
Maggie is the little son of Simpson's family. She never talks and everytime, when she tries walk, she went down.
Apart from these caracters Springfield got more habitants like Clancy Wiggum who is the police boss, Ned Flanders who is the neeighboor of Simpson and is a very religous person, Apu who works in a badulaque or Seymour Skinner who is the principal in Springfield School.
My favourite caracter is Clancy Wiggum because in my opinion is the most stupid of all the caracters. Also the spanish voice of this caracter is very funny too. He is similar to Homer (fat and vague) but the difference is that Wiggum is the chief of police so his responsability is biggest.
Homer is the dad and the principal carcter of the TV series. He works in a nuclear plant. He's vague, ugly, fat and he loves eat and stay in sofa. He had work in different jobs like for example spaceman, fireman, barman or clown.
Marge Simpson is Homer's wife. She's the mother of three children (Bart, Lisa and Maggie). She works in home doing dinner or lunch.
Bart is the oldest of the sons. He is 10 years old. He goes to 5th course in Springfield School but he don't study. Bart is a rebel teen and he's best friend is Milhouse.
Lisa is Bart's sister. She goes to 3th course in Springfiled School. She is very intelligent and her live are the studies. When Bart and Lisa want do plans toghether, she thinks because her intelligent is superior that Bart's intelligent.
Maggie is the little son of Simpson's family. She never talks and everytime, when she tries walk, she went down.
Apart from these caracters Springfield got more habitants like Clancy Wiggum who is the police boss, Ned Flanders who is the neeighboor of Simpson and is a very religous person, Apu who works in a badulaque or Seymour Skinner who is the principal in Springfield School.
My favourite caracter is Clancy Wiggum because in my opinion is the most stupid of all the caracters. Also the spanish voice of this caracter is very funny too. He is similar to Homer (fat and vague) but the difference is that Wiggum is the chief of police so his responsability is biggest.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Formula1 new season
The Formula1 new season begin in Australia in 25 March. The 2011 had to begun in Barahain but the revolutions prevented do it.
For the new season have a lot of new things in the regulation and in the grind. In the regulation, for this year the rear spolier can be moved the driver. Until now, this spolier only could move in the box but now when the driver is on track he can, using the wheel, change the position of the rear spolier.
Other thing new of this year is the back of KERS. In 2009 began a new system called KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) who stores the kinetic energy used in the branking for be used in the straight. This system didn't got sucess and FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile) decided leave the project. Now the KERS is more developed than before and it's possible that got sucess.
In the grind the principal drivers haven't chanched of team but the coming of rookies have do different changes: In Williams Nico Hulkemberg (second driver last year) went out and arrive Pastor Maldonado. In Force India Vitantonio Liuzzi (second driver last year) went out and arrive Paul di Resta. In Sauber Nick Heifeld went out and arrive Sergio Perez. In Hispania the two drivers of last year (Bruno Senna and Karun Chandok) went out and, until now, we know only one driver, Nayarin Karthikeyan. In Virgin Lucas di Grassi went out and arrive Jerome d'Ambrosio. In Renault (since this year Lotus-Renault) Robert Kubica is injured for all season so Nick Heidfeld arrive for replace him.
In calendar, also have got little changes: Turkey GP is in 4th place and last year was in 7th place. The Germany GP is celebrated in Nurburing circuit. Last year was celebrated in Hockenheim. The Brazilian GP is the lastest, this year. Last year the lastest was Abu Dhabi GP. The Indian GP in to calendar and will be celebarted in antepenultimate place.
Other thing new of this year is the back of KERS. In 2009 began a new system called KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) who stores the kinetic energy used in the branking for be used in the straight. This system didn't got sucess and FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile) decided leave the project. Now the KERS is more developed than before and it's possible that got sucess.
In the grind the principal drivers haven't chanched of team but the coming of rookies have do different changes: In Williams Nico Hulkemberg (second driver last year) went out and arrive Pastor Maldonado. In Force India Vitantonio Liuzzi (second driver last year) went out and arrive Paul di Resta. In Sauber Nick Heifeld went out and arrive Sergio Perez. In Hispania the two drivers of last year (Bruno Senna and Karun Chandok) went out and, until now, we know only one driver, Nayarin Karthikeyan. In Virgin Lucas di Grassi went out and arrive Jerome d'Ambrosio. In Renault (since this year Lotus-Renault) Robert Kubica is injured for all season so Nick Heidfeld arrive for replace him.
In calendar, also have got little changes: Turkey GP is in 4th place and last year was in 7th place. The Germany GP is celebrated in Nurburing circuit. Last year was celebrated in Hockenheim. The Brazilian GP is the lastest, this year. Last year the lastest was Abu Dhabi GP. The Indian GP in to calendar and will be celebarted in antepenultimate place.
All Star Weekend 2011
Every February, NBA stop for the All Star Weekend. This weekend (include friday) held competitons for the NBA public, like Slam Dunk Contest, Three-Point Shootout or All Star Game. The participants of these competitions are the NBA stars.
On Friday, the rookies and the sophomores do the Rookie's match of All Star. This year rokie team beat sophomore team (148-140). The best players were John Wall (Washington Wizards) who was MVP, and Blake Griffin (Los Angeles Clippers).
On Saturday, the best dunkers do the Slam Dunk Contest. Also the best shooters of a long distance do the Three-Point Shootout. This year the Slam Dunk Contest was espectacular: the participants were Blake Griffin, Serge Ibaka (Oklahoma City Thunders), Javale McGee (Washington Wizards) and DeMar DeRozan (Toronto Raptors). The winner was Blake Griffin all the slams were amazing: McGee who finished second, do a double slam with two baskests and two balls but with one jump! DeRozan who finished third, did an espectacular dunk: he pass down of the basket and after he did the dunk. Ibaka who finshed fourth, jump from free throw line and the did the dunk! And the winner, Griffin, did a lot of good dunks: he jumped above a car, he did a 360º dunk and he put his arm in the basket after do the dunk
Jame Jones (Miami Heat) won the Three-Point Shootout. This was an amazing reslut because the favourites were Ray Allen and Paul Pierce (Boston Celtics).
On Sunday, the stars of NBA played the All Star Game. In this game Western Conference play aganist Eastern Conference. The players of this game are voted for the fans. Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers, Western), Lebron James (Miami Heat, Eastern), Kevin Durant (Oklahoma City Thunders, Western) and Dwight Howard (Orlando Magic, East) are the principal stars. Pau Gasol (West) played the All Star Game too but he wasn't in the 5th holder. The Western won this year (148-143) and Kobe Bryant who scored 37 points was the MVP. Gasol scored 17 points and picked 7 rebounds. Durant scored 34 points and James scored 29 points.
On Sunday, the stars of NBA played the All Star Game. In this game Western Conference play aganist Eastern Conference. The players of this game are voted for the fans. Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers, Western), Lebron James (Miami Heat, Eastern), Kevin Durant (Oklahoma City Thunders, Western) and Dwight Howard (Orlando Magic, East) are the principal stars. Pau Gasol (West) played the All Star Game too but he wasn't in the 5th holder. The Western won this year (148-143) and Kobe Bryant who scored 37 points was the MVP. Gasol scored 17 points and picked 7 rebounds. Durant scored 34 points and James scored 29 points.
FC Barcelona Borges - THW Kiel
The 5th December of 2010 I went to watch live the handball match FC Barcelona Borges vs THW Kiel. I went to Barcelona with my parents.
Kiel is a germany handball team. This team has won the Champions League for two times (2007 and 2010). Kiel got the best goalkeeper of the world, Therry Omeyer.
Barça Borges is the handball seccion of Football Club Barcelona. Is the most imporant club in Euorpe because Barça has won the Champions League seven times! (1991, 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 and 2005). They got the maximum scorer of spanish national team, Juanin Garcia.
The match was epic: nervious, tension, goals... For me was espectacular. Before these time, never I could see a professional handball match.
At the begining of the match Barça pick up adventage with a solid defence. But slowly Kiel began to play better and drew the match. This did that Barça began to play wrong and Kiel pick up the adventage. In the half time the scorer was drewed. The second half didn't began good for Barça: balls losers, a lot of Kiel's goals, and wrongs in the shoots. But Xavi Pasqual, Barça's coach, thought a good strategy: he change the goalkeeper. Daniel Saric is the holder goalkeeper but these day wasn't good. So Johan Sjostrand wnet to the court and this revolutionated the match. He began to spot a lot of shoots of Kiel's players. This did that tha Barça's players can change the match and win it.
In the warming time, Juanin Garcia is shoting and Johan Sjostrand tries to stop the ball.
(left to right) Marco Oneto, Konstantin Igropulo, Magnus Jernemyr, Siarei Rutenka, Víctor Tomas and Juanin Garcia are ready for play
Iker Romero pass the ball to Dani Sarmiento
Jesper Noddesbo ready for draw a foul and Siarei Rutenka watch him
Barça's and Kiel's players saluted at the end of the match.
Kiel is a germany handball team. This team has won the Champions League for two times (2007 and 2010). Kiel got the best goalkeeper of the world, Therry Omeyer.
Barça Borges is the handball seccion of Football Club Barcelona. Is the most imporant club in Euorpe because Barça has won the Champions League seven times! (1991, 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 and 2005). They got the maximum scorer of spanish national team, Juanin Garcia.
The match was epic: nervious, tension, goals... For me was espectacular. Before these time, never I could see a professional handball match.
At the begining of the match Barça pick up adventage with a solid defence. But slowly Kiel began to play better and drew the match. This did that Barça began to play wrong and Kiel pick up the adventage. In the half time the scorer was drewed. The second half didn't began good for Barça: balls losers, a lot of Kiel's goals, and wrongs in the shoots. But Xavi Pasqual, Barça's coach, thought a good strategy: he change the goalkeeper. Daniel Saric is the holder goalkeeper but these day wasn't good. So Johan Sjostrand wnet to the court and this revolutionated the match. He began to spot a lot of shoots of Kiel's players. This did that tha Barça's players can change the match and win it.
In the warming time, Juanin Garcia is shoting and Johan Sjostrand tries to stop the ball.
(left to right) Marco Oneto, Konstantin Igropulo, Magnus Jernemyr, Siarei Rutenka, Víctor Tomas and Juanin Garcia are ready for play
Iker Romero pass the ball to Dani Sarmiento
Jesper Noddesbo ready for draw a foul and Siarei Rutenka watch him
Barça's and Kiel's players saluted at the end of the match.
Handball World Cup
This month in Sweden, being held the World Championship of Handball. This World Championship isn't as popular like the World Championship of Football. But in my opinion the World Championship of Handball must to do similar like the football.
The system of the championship isn't very common: at the beggining 24 nations are distributed in 4 groups (A,B, C and B) of 6 nations. This year Spain played versus Egypt, Barhain, France, Germany and Tunez in the group A. Three of this six nations pass to the next round (called main round). In the group A France, Spain and Germany pass to next round and Egypt, Barhain and Tunez play the President Cup. The President Cup it's a mini-competition in of the World Championship that it's played for the losers of the first round.
In the main round, the three firsts of the group A play versus the firsts of the group B and the firsts of the group C versus the firsts of the group D.
For do this the nations pass to the main round without 6 points that they got in the first round. The nations from the groups A and B do other group (1). The nations from the groups C and D do other group (2). The nations that come of the same group in the first round don't play again, only play with the nations from the other group. The two bests of the groups 1 and 2 pass to semi-finals and the others fight for 5th,6th,7th,8th and 9th position. The first of the group 1 play against the second of the group 2 and vice versa. The winners of the semi finals go to the final and the losers fight for 3rd and 4th place. The winner of the final win this cup.
Until now, France was the World Champions at the same time that they are European Champions and Olympic Champions. Spain won the World Cup in 2005 but after that only can't be 7th (in Germany 2007) ans 13th (in Croatia 2009).
The system of the championship isn't very common: at the beggining 24 nations are distributed in 4 groups (A,B, C and B) of 6 nations. This year Spain played versus Egypt, Barhain, France, Germany and Tunez in the group A. Three of this six nations pass to the next round (called main round). In the group A France, Spain and Germany pass to next round and Egypt, Barhain and Tunez play the President Cup. The President Cup it's a mini-competition in of the World Championship that it's played for the losers of the first round.
In the main round, the three firsts of the group A play versus the firsts of the group B and the firsts of the group C versus the firsts of the group D.
Until now, France was the World Champions at the same time that they are European Champions and Olympic Champions. Spain won the World Cup in 2005 but after that only can't be 7th (in Germany 2007) ans 13th (in Croatia 2009).
God of War III
This January the Three Kings have given to me a Playstation game. This Playstation game is called God of War III. This game is last in the saga of God Of War's games.
The plot of this saga is the next: an espartan soldier called Kratos is so good in the war: he directed the espartan army and he goes for all Greece attacking other people. But one day the barbarians from the north destroyed his army and he fight alone with the barbarians. Obviously he couldn't win so in the last moment he soughted help to Ares, the God of War in the greek mithology. He down from Mount Olympus and helped Kratos but the espartan might jure that he will kill for Ares. Kratos accepted and Ares destroy the barbarian army. Now, Kratos soul and army belgos to Ares.
Kratos went to all villatges killing the innocent people only for Ares's whims. One day, Kratos went to a village and found an oracle and she said that he might not in to the church of these village. He challenged the oracle and in to the church and killed all the people. When he saw the lasts victims he couldn't beleve it: he killed his wife and his daughter. In this moment Kratos said to Ares that he was a horrorific owner and he won't more orders.
Kratos has nightmares and memories of the kill of his family. The espartan soldier soughted help to the gods again. He started to did orders for the rest of the gods (like Atenea, goddess of the wisdom or Zeus, god of gods). His memories didn't went out so he was annoyed with the gods and he decied killed himself. Ateena down from the Mount Olympus and said to Kratos that he would do one custom more: he must kill Ares. The god of war was attacking Athens without reason.
For do it, Kratos had to found the Pandora's box. The Pandora's box contained all the bad things of the world and the things that couldn kill a god. When Kratos found it he went to Athens for kill his formier boss. When he was oppening the box Ares killed Kratos and went to the hell (in greek mithology the heaven don't exitst, all the dead go the the hell). When he was felling to the hell Atenea save him and said to Kratos that he could kill Ares.
Kratos retured to Athens and opened the Pandora's box. The powers of the box went to the god and killed him. Ares was dead.
Atenea wents with Kratos again and she said that now in the Mount Olympus all the gods were sad because Ares was death. Krantos can't beleve it! They said to him that he had kill Ares but now they are sad! Atenea also said that the gods were proud for Kratos because they thank that he couldn't do it. The goddess proposed Kratos be the new God of War. Now this place was vacancy and the killer of the old god could ocuped the place.
But the things in Mount Olympus not calmed so easily. Kratos beagan to do a similar thing that Ares did before to die: he attack innocents villages for fun. Atenea said to the new god that Zeus and the rest were annoyed with him. He ignored she and Zeus intervened. Zeus and Kratos fought and the god of the gods kill Kratos. In the hell he found with a enourmus criature. It was a titan (criatures that fought versus gods for the control of the world) called Gaia. Kratos said to Gaia that he wanted revenge. She said that she can't help but he would went to the past. Kratos should went at the moment that Zeus was killing he.
For do this Gaia helped Kratos reuturn to live. In the world of alives, Kratos had to visit the Sisters of Fate. In the way Kratos found a lot of mithologic criatures. Finally he found the sisters. They didn't help Kratos and he had to fought with two of their (Lakesis and Atropos). When the spartan beated the two sisters he went to the moment when Zeus was killing Kratos. The spartan began to fight versus Zeus. The soldier was rising his sword for kill the god when Atenea saved Zeus. Kratos killed Atenea.
After that Kratos return to the past, he went to the Titanomachy, the war beteween the gods and the titans. There Gaia was waiting Kratos for destroy the Mount Olympus.
Zeus said to Kratos that all the gods will be toghether versus him. The spartan said to Zeus that he will destroy all the Mount Olympus and all the gods.
Kratos began to fought versus Poseidon, god of water, and killed him. After he went to the hell and killed Hades, god of the hell. Other god was in the hell, Hefestus, the god of fire. He wanted destroy Zeus too so Kratos didn't kill him. When Kratos returned to the Mount Olympus he saw a hand of Gaia and thought that she was death. In Mount Olympus found other god, Helios (the god of sun) and killed him too. After he met with Hercules and killed him. Then Kratos found Hermes, god of the ways, the commerce and sports; and destroyed him.
When the gods died, differents things ocurred in the world: When Poesedion dies, the oceans water up, when Hades died the death's spirits were free in the world of alives, when Helios died the sun faded for ever and when Hermes died a blight spread for all the world.
Kratos knew that kill Zeus won't be so easy like the other gods so he began to find new weapons for do it. The spririt of Atenea appeared to Kratos saying that destroy Zeus was good and for do it he must use the Pandora's box again. But the box was in the mount Olympus in to the fire of Olympus. The fire of Olympus kill all the people who touch incoulding gods. For got the Pandora's box again Kratos should serach Pandora.
She was in the Daedalus maze. When Kratos was in the way for enter to maze he met Hera, goddness of marriage and pruity, and killed she. When Hera died the plants of the world died too.
Kratos enter to the maze and realsed Pandora and went with she at the room of the box. Zeus was there. Kratos turned crazy and began to fight versus Zeus and supered him but didn't destroied him. Pandora tried opened the box but Kratos didn't want that she died. Unfortunatly, Kratos let Pandora for find Zeus and she dided for the fire. Kratos advenchaed the situation and opened the box for kill Zeus... but the box was empty! Pandora died for nothing.
Kratos looked fot Zeus and he found him easily. They beagan to fought again when Gaia apppered. She wanted kill both because Zeus was a god and Kratos abandoned she. Zeus and Kratos escpaed from Gaia entering in she. There both fought again and finally Kratos killed Zeus and Gaia. But when the corpse of Zeus and Kratos left from the titan the spirit of the Zeus salted from the god and attacked Kratos. The spapartan was alomst to die but he survived. For the moment he rembered somethings like the death of his wife and his daughter or the death of Pandora. When he returened he beated Zeus's sprit and destroy the Mount Olypmus.
The world was immersed in caos and destruccions: the death of Zeus caused a lot of disaster like huracans. Atenea's spririt met with Kratos again. She said that he beated Zeus because she put a power in the Pandora's box and he purchased it. Kratos told she that it wasn't possible because the box was empty. But the goddless said that he purchased the power when he opened for first time, when he kill Ares. Atenea requiered the power. Kratos was thinking what the must do: give the power to Atenea or keep it. Finally he decided commit suicide for gave the power to the humans and their spirits. This power was the hope.
Kratos went to all villatges killing the innocent people only for Ares's whims. One day, Kratos went to a village and found an oracle and she said that he might not in to the church of these village. He challenged the oracle and in to the church and killed all the people. When he saw the lasts victims he couldn't beleve it: he killed his wife and his daughter. In this moment Kratos said to Ares that he was a horrorific owner and he won't more orders.
Kratos has nightmares and memories of the kill of his family. The espartan soldier soughted help to the gods again. He started to did orders for the rest of the gods (like Atenea, goddess of the wisdom or Zeus, god of gods). His memories didn't went out so he was annoyed with the gods and he decied killed himself. Ateena down from the Mount Olympus and said to Kratos that he would do one custom more: he must kill Ares. The god of war was attacking Athens without reason.
For do it, Kratos had to found the Pandora's box. The Pandora's box contained all the bad things of the world and the things that couldn kill a god. When Kratos found it he went to Athens for kill his formier boss. When he was oppening the box Ares killed Kratos and went to the hell (in greek mithology the heaven don't exitst, all the dead go the the hell). When he was felling to the hell Atenea save him and said to Kratos that he could kill Ares.
Kratos retured to Athens and opened the Pandora's box. The powers of the box went to the god and killed him. Ares was dead.
Atenea wents with Kratos again and she said that now in the Mount Olympus all the gods were sad because Ares was death. Krantos can't beleve it! They said to him that he had kill Ares but now they are sad! Atenea also said that the gods were proud for Kratos because they thank that he couldn't do it. The goddess proposed Kratos be the new God of War. Now this place was vacancy and the killer of the old god could ocuped the place.
But the things in Mount Olympus not calmed so easily. Kratos beagan to do a similar thing that Ares did before to die: he attack innocents villages for fun. Atenea said to the new god that Zeus and the rest were annoyed with him. He ignored she and Zeus intervened. Zeus and Kratos fought and the god of the gods kill Kratos. In the hell he found with a enourmus criature. It was a titan (criatures that fought versus gods for the control of the world) called Gaia. Kratos said to Gaia that he wanted revenge. She said that she can't help but he would went to the past. Kratos should went at the moment that Zeus was killing he.
For do this Gaia helped Kratos reuturn to live. In the world of alives, Kratos had to visit the Sisters of Fate. In the way Kratos found a lot of mithologic criatures. Finally he found the sisters. They didn't help Kratos and he had to fought with two of their (Lakesis and Atropos). When the spartan beated the two sisters he went to the moment when Zeus was killing Kratos. The spartan began to fight versus Zeus. The soldier was rising his sword for kill the god when Atenea saved Zeus. Kratos killed Atenea.
After that Kratos return to the past, he went to the Titanomachy, the war beteween the gods and the titans. There Gaia was waiting Kratos for destroy the Mount Olympus.
Zeus said to Kratos that all the gods will be toghether versus him. The spartan said to Zeus that he will destroy all the Mount Olympus and all the gods.
Kratos began to fought versus Poseidon, god of water, and killed him. After he went to the hell and killed Hades, god of the hell. Other god was in the hell, Hefestus, the god of fire. He wanted destroy Zeus too so Kratos didn't kill him. When Kratos returned to the Mount Olympus he saw a hand of Gaia and thought that she was death. In Mount Olympus found other god, Helios (the god of sun) and killed him too. After he met with Hercules and killed him. Then Kratos found Hermes, god of the ways, the commerce and sports; and destroyed him.
When the gods died, differents things ocurred in the world: When Poesedion dies, the oceans water up, when Hades died the death's spirits were free in the world of alives, when Helios died the sun faded for ever and when Hermes died a blight spread for all the world.
Kratos knew that kill Zeus won't be so easy like the other gods so he began to find new weapons for do it. The spririt of Atenea appeared to Kratos saying that destroy Zeus was good and for do it he must use the Pandora's box again. But the box was in the mount Olympus in to the fire of Olympus. The fire of Olympus kill all the people who touch incoulding gods. For got the Pandora's box again Kratos should serach Pandora.
She was in the Daedalus maze. When Kratos was in the way for enter to maze he met Hera, goddness of marriage and pruity, and killed she. When Hera died the plants of the world died too.
Kratos enter to the maze and realsed Pandora and went with she at the room of the box. Zeus was there. Kratos turned crazy and began to fight versus Zeus and supered him but didn't destroied him. Pandora tried opened the box but Kratos didn't want that she died. Unfortunatly, Kratos let Pandora for find Zeus and she dided for the fire. Kratos advenchaed the situation and opened the box for kill Zeus... but the box was empty! Pandora died for nothing.
Kratos looked fot Zeus and he found him easily. They beagan to fought again when Gaia apppered. She wanted kill both because Zeus was a god and Kratos abandoned she. Zeus and Kratos escpaed from Gaia entering in she. There both fought again and finally Kratos killed Zeus and Gaia. But when the corpse of Zeus and Kratos left from the titan the spirit of the Zeus salted from the god and attacked Kratos. The spapartan was alomst to die but he survived. For the moment he rembered somethings like the death of his wife and his daughter or the death of Pandora. When he returened he beated Zeus's sprit and destroy the Mount Olypmus.
The world was immersed in caos and destruccions: the death of Zeus caused a lot of disaster like huracans. Atenea's spririt met with Kratos again. She said that he beated Zeus because she put a power in the Pandora's box and he purchased it. Kratos told she that it wasn't possible because the box was empty. But the goddless said that he purchased the power when he opened for first time, when he kill Ares. Atenea requiered the power. Kratos was thinking what the must do: give the power to Atenea or keep it. Finally he decided commit suicide for gave the power to the humans and their spirits. This power was the hope.
Revolutions in North Africa
Since Janaury 2011, some countries in north Africa are did revlutions for destroy the dictatorships. Tunez was the first country, then Egypt and now Libia is doing revolution.
In Tunez, the dictator was Ben Ali. He has been in the governament for 24 years. The tunish revolution began with the new year and finished on 14 Janaury when Ben Ali went out of the country. Now, the tunish people want eleccions now, but for the moment are a provisional govern and they don't know when the eleccins will be do.
In Egypt, destory the dictatorship was more diffictult than in Tunisia. Mubarak who was dictator since 1981 didn't want go off of the country but the people was protest for two weeks and finally Mubarak had to went off of the country.
Now the relvolution has arrvied to Libia where Gaddafi got an hard regime. He wants stop the revolution with guns and it's probably that in Libia began a Civil War.
In my opinion, the Revolutions in North Africa are good because when the democaracy arrive to around the world is better for everybody. But the problem is that we don't know what will happen with this countries: democracy or other dictatorship based in guns? We'll see.
In Tunez, the dictator was Ben Ali. He has been in the governament for 24 years. The tunish revolution began with the new year and finished on 14 Janaury when Ben Ali went out of the country. Now, the tunish people want eleccions now, but for the moment are a provisional govern and they don't know when the eleccins will be do.
In Egypt, destory the dictatorship was more diffictult than in Tunisia. Mubarak who was dictator since 1981 didn't want go off of the country but the people was protest for two weeks and finally Mubarak had to went off of the country.
Now the relvolution has arrvied to Libia where Gaddafi got an hard regime. He wants stop the revolution with guns and it's probably that in Libia began a Civil War.
In my opinion, the Revolutions in North Africa are good because when the democaracy arrive to around the world is better for everybody. But the problem is that we don't know what will happen with this countries: democracy or other dictatorship based in guns? We'll see.
Corpse Bride
Corpse Bride is a Tim Burton's film. This film is an animation film and is starring for Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter.
The principal caracter is Victor Van Dort. He will marry with a girl called Victoria Everglot. Victor's parents are new riches and parents Victoria's parents are a tradicional family but they don't have money. They will marry because the parents were interested. When Victor and his parents arrive at home of the Everglots they met with Victoria's parents. After that, the four parents went to other room and Victor rest alone in the hall. In the hall, Victor found a piano and he began to play it. When, in the second floor, Victoria listened the music she downs the stairs and found Victor. When he looked she, Victor fell in love and she too. Suddenly the Victoria's mother appers and separated the bride and the groom.
Then, they had to practise for the wedding so the priest arrived to home. Victor had to say the wedding but he didn't knows the wedding vows. The priest say to him that he had to learned so he went to the forest for practise. At the beggining he couldn't remember how are the wedding votes but after he remeber his future wife and he did good all the vows. He put the ring in some branch and a corpse of a bride salts from the floor. Victor was married with a corpse! She went with Victor to death world and there the others corpse explain to Victor that she was a bride and she was waiting her's groom in the forest but when he arrived he kill her. Then she jured that the first that asked her for married she will say yes.
Victor couldn't belive that so he wanted escaped to the world of alives for went with Victoria. The corpse bride pursued her husband and finally she found Victor. Victor said to the corpse bride that he will to find her parents for explain to thier the notice. When he arrived to Victoria's house he went to Victoria's bedroom and he tried to explain his history. Finally the corpse bride followed Victor and found he with Victoria. The corpse bride led he to the world of the corpses. There, he expalined to her his life (he explained that her wedding was an error).
Meanwhile in the world of alives family's Victoria thougt that Victor didn't want marriyed with Victoria. A man called Lord Barkis assisted to the home of the Everglot's. There he said that was incredible that a man said that he didn't want marry with Victoria. So Victoria's parents obligated to her daugther get married with Lord Barkis. The Lord thought Victoria's family get a lot of money.
The guru of the deaths said that the wedding between Victor and the Corpse Bride had got an error. This was because the wedding vows said that 'the marriage during until the death separate us'. And the Corpse Bride was death but Victor alive. So Victor might die for marriage with she. Victor knew that Victoria was married so he said yes and the rest of corpse decied prepare the wedding. This wedding it had to celebrate in the world of alives.
All the corpse went to the world of the alives. Someones appers in the home of the Everglot's. They were celebrating the wedding beteween the Lord Barkis and Victoria. The assistants in the celebration panicked when they saw the corpses. The corpeses went out, in the village. There the people was panicked. But slowly they recognized their loved ones deaths and went with they to the wedding.
In the church Victor had to drank a poison that kill he. During the ceremony the Corpse Bride saw Victoria. She escaped from her house and Lord Barkis. The Corpse Bride said that she can't married with Victor because Victoria will feel the same as she. Victoria went to the altar and she wanted to married with Victor. But at the moment the doors of the church opened and Lord Barkins into the church. He said that she can't marry with Victor because she has just marred with him. The Corpse Bride identificed the Lord. He killed she! After this the Lord picked a sword and took Victoria. He put the sword on her's neck. Victor tried defend Victoria with a fork. After the fight the Lord released Victoria and he said that the Corpse Bride now is like when he kill her: she lives alone. For celebrate this he drank the poision. He tought that it was vine but no. At the moment the heart of the Lord stopped. Victor and Victoria could marry and the Corpse Bride became butterflies.
The principal caracter is Victor Van Dort. He will marry with a girl called Victoria Everglot. Victor's parents are new riches and parents Victoria's parents are a tradicional family but they don't have money. They will marry because the parents were interested. When Victor and his parents arrive at home of the Everglots they met with Victoria's parents. After that, the four parents went to other room and Victor rest alone in the hall. In the hall, Victor found a piano and he began to play it. When, in the second floor, Victoria listened the music she downs the stairs and found Victor. When he looked she, Victor fell in love and she too. Suddenly the Victoria's mother appers and separated the bride and the groom.
Then, they had to practise for the wedding so the priest arrived to home. Victor had to say the wedding but he didn't knows the wedding vows. The priest say to him that he had to learned so he went to the forest for practise. At the beggining he couldn't remember how are the wedding votes but after he remeber his future wife and he did good all the vows. He put the ring in some branch and a corpse of a bride salts from the floor. Victor was married with a corpse! She went with Victor to death world and there the others corpse explain to Victor that she was a bride and she was waiting her's groom in the forest but when he arrived he kill her. Then she jured that the first that asked her for married she will say yes.
Victor couldn't belive that so he wanted escaped to the world of alives for went with Victoria. The corpse bride pursued her husband and finally she found Victor. Victor said to the corpse bride that he will to find her parents for explain to thier the notice. When he arrived to Victoria's house he went to Victoria's bedroom and he tried to explain his history. Finally the corpse bride followed Victor and found he with Victoria. The corpse bride led he to the world of the corpses. There, he expalined to her his life (he explained that her wedding was an error).
Meanwhile in the world of alives family's Victoria thougt that Victor didn't want marriyed with Victoria. A man called Lord Barkis assisted to the home of the Everglot's. There he said that was incredible that a man said that he didn't want marry with Victoria. So Victoria's parents obligated to her daugther get married with Lord Barkis. The Lord thought Victoria's family get a lot of money.
The guru of the deaths said that the wedding between Victor and the Corpse Bride had got an error. This was because the wedding vows said that 'the marriage during until the death separate us'. And the Corpse Bride was death but Victor alive. So Victor might die for marriage with she. Victor knew that Victoria was married so he said yes and the rest of corpse decied prepare the wedding. This wedding it had to celebrate in the world of alives.
All the corpse went to the world of the alives. Someones appers in the home of the Everglot's. They were celebrating the wedding beteween the Lord Barkis and Victoria. The assistants in the celebration panicked when they saw the corpses. The corpeses went out, in the village. There the people was panicked. But slowly they recognized their loved ones deaths and went with they to the wedding.
In the church Victor had to drank a poison that kill he. During the ceremony the Corpse Bride saw Victoria. She escaped from her house and Lord Barkis. The Corpse Bride said that she can't married with Victor because Victoria will feel the same as she. Victoria went to the altar and she wanted to married with Victor. But at the moment the doors of the church opened and Lord Barkins into the church. He said that she can't marry with Victor because she has just marred with him. The Corpse Bride identificed the Lord. He killed she! After this the Lord picked a sword and took Victoria. He put the sword on her's neck. Victor tried defend Victoria with a fork. After the fight the Lord released Victoria and he said that the Corpse Bride now is like when he kill her: she lives alone. For celebrate this he drank the poision. He tought that it was vine but no. At the moment the heart of the Lord stopped. Victor and Victoria could marry and the Corpse Bride became butterflies.
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