Sunday, November 20, 2011

Breaking news: Spain's Ghost Airport

This video explains the Ciudad Real airport case. Before 2007, when all the occidental world (include Spain) had money, was possible spend in big infrastructures (trains, airports, buldings...). Obiously, that's a good way to use money. Althrough, the airports and train stations were bulid in places that there aren't a lot of people. In my opinion this is for the famous "Cafe para todos" (Coffe for all).
The Ciudad Real's airoport is desertic. Any flying company wants use that place to put airplanes. The same happen with AVE stations: they are bulit in cities with a little number of people. I think that these money could be used to improve infrastuctures in places where there are more people. Durning spansih goverment had spent money in cases like Ciudad Real, now in 2011, AVE doesn't arrived to France (and now, with economical crisis will arrive more later).
When we got money we use it to do a lot of things that it seems that they are good, but when the bad times arrives, we see that these things aren't so good.

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