Sunday, November 20, 2011

Last school year

Now I will talk about last school year. Today, after summer, I can say that last year was the best school year for me. I get good marks and I enjoy during the year. I learned a lot of things too.
At the begining I was a little scared because I started Batxillerat. But quickly, I adapt to new timetable and more work. In the clasroom I enjoy during the year for Simon, Guillem C., Sebas, Paul, Pep, Quim, Omar and the rest of our classrom. With that people, was like return to childrish: we laugh, we turn the our bags, draw cricatures of ourselves... Here are a cricature drawed for Paul
I will explain this picture: Guillaemon is Guillem C. That's because he's head is so big and because is a little deaf (and Doraemon don't have ears), Adolf Zbinden is for Simon. That's because he's from Swiss and we say to him that he's nazi (but obiously is a lie). Sebas got that look for his long hair. Omar is draw it only like a black man. Tucaquim is for Quim, and that's for his long nose. "Unpeploompa! is for Pep because we said to him that looks like oompaloompa. And the last one I'm a monkey because Paul didn't find any strange feature. Maybe it's for my segond name: Mancilla is easy became to "Moncilla" from "mono". A few months later that Paul drew it that, they found me a feature: my big ears!
I hope this year I can repeat the last year experience but I know that 2nd Batxillerat is harder than 1st. But, for now I'm enjoing it too ;-)

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