In May 2011, a lot of Spanish people has taken the streets to prostest against the system. These people are tried with all politicans of around Spain. Also they think that spanish people should vote for little parties and no vote for the biggest parties (PSOE and PP). They principal argument against spanish politicans is the corruption. PSOE and PP included corrupt politicans in lists. Other argument is the inefficiency against the economic crisis.
In my opinon this spanish revolution is good for our system because the situation in the country is bad. I think that people must show the indignation on the elections. People must go to vote for show to all politicans that they aren't good for us.
There are people of many ideologies in favor of the revolution but they have something in common: the change. Some poltical parties (mainly left parties) have wanted support the revolution but people has said that this revolution is against all currents spanish politicans.
Did arrive the SPRING?. BBC compared the revolution in Spain with Egypt. List of proposals: to punish absenteeism of the politicals, remove the privileges in tax and pensions to them, eliminate immunity, which do not prescribe the crimes of corruption, divide the work up to a less than 5% unemployment, retirement at age 65 and unable to raise that age to be removed from youth unemployment, expropriation of unsold homes, prohibit and return the bank bailouts, raise the taxes to the banks, punish speculation, raise the taxes to the big fortunes, change electoral law ... See: