Kratos went to all villatges killing the innocent people only for Ares's whims. One day, Kratos went to a village and found an oracle and she said that he might not in to the church of these village. He challenged the oracle and in to the church and killed all the people. When he saw the lasts victims he couldn't beleve it: he killed his wife and his daughter. In this moment Kratos said to Ares that he was a horrorific owner and he won't more orders.
Kratos has nightmares and memories of the kill of his family. The espartan soldier soughted help to the gods again. He started to did orders for the rest of the gods (like Atenea, goddess of the wisdom or Zeus, god of gods). His memories didn't went out so he was annoyed with the gods and he decied killed himself. Ateena down from the Mount Olympus and said to Kratos that he would do one custom more: he must kill Ares. The god of war was attacking Athens without reason.
For do it, Kratos had to found the Pandora's box. The Pandora's box contained all the bad things of the world and the things that couldn kill a god. When Kratos found it he went to Athens for kill his formier boss. When he was oppening the box Ares killed Kratos and went to the hell (in greek mithology the heaven don't exitst, all the dead go the the hell). When he was felling to the hell Atenea save him and said to Kratos that he could kill Ares.
Kratos retured to Athens and opened the Pandora's box. The powers of the box went to the god and killed him. Ares was dead.
Atenea wents with Kratos again and she said that now in the Mount Olympus all the gods were sad because Ares was death. Krantos can't beleve it! They said to him that he had kill Ares but now they are sad! Atenea also said that the gods were proud for Kratos because they thank that he couldn't do it. The goddess proposed Kratos be the new God of War. Now this place was vacancy and the killer of the old god could ocuped the place.
But the things in Mount Olympus not calmed so easily. Kratos beagan to do a similar thing that Ares did before to die: he attack innocents villages for fun. Atenea said to the new god that Zeus and the rest were annoyed with him. He ignored she and Zeus intervened. Zeus and Kratos fought and the god of the gods kill Kratos. In the hell he found with a enourmus criature. It was a titan (criatures that fought versus gods for the control of the world) called Gaia. Kratos said to Gaia that he wanted revenge. She said that she can't help but he would went to the past. Kratos should went at the moment that Zeus was killing he.
For do this Gaia helped Kratos reuturn to live. In the world of alives, Kratos had to visit the Sisters of Fate. In the way Kratos found a lot of mithologic criatures. Finally he found the sisters. They didn't help Kratos and he had to fought with two of their (Lakesis and Atropos). When the spartan beated the two sisters he went to the moment when Zeus was killing Kratos. The spartan began to fight versus Zeus. The soldier was rising his sword for kill the god when Atenea saved Zeus. Kratos killed Atenea.
After that Kratos return to the past, he went to the Titanomachy, the war beteween the gods and the titans. There Gaia was waiting Kratos for destroy the Mount Olympus.
Zeus said to Kratos that all the gods will be toghether versus him. The spartan said to Zeus that he will destroy all the Mount Olympus and all the gods.
Kratos began to fought versus Poseidon, god of water, and killed him. After he went to the hell and killed Hades, god of the hell. Other god was in the hell, Hefestus, the god of fire. He wanted destroy Zeus too so Kratos didn't kill him. When Kratos returned to the Mount Olympus he saw a hand of Gaia and thought that she was death. In Mount Olympus found other god, Helios (the god of sun) and killed him too. After he met with Hercules and killed him. Then Kratos found Hermes, god of the ways, the commerce and sports; and destroyed him.
When the gods died, differents things ocurred in the world: When Poesedion dies, the oceans water up, when Hades died the death's spirits were free in the world of alives, when Helios died the sun faded for ever and when Hermes died a blight spread for all the world.
Kratos knew that kill Zeus won't be so easy like the other gods so he began to find new weapons for do it. The spririt of Atenea appeared to Kratos saying that destroy Zeus was good and for do it he must use the Pandora's box again. But the box was in the mount Olympus in to the fire of Olympus. The fire of Olympus kill all the people who touch incoulding gods. For got the Pandora's box again Kratos should serach Pandora.
She was in the Daedalus maze. When Kratos was in the way for enter to maze he met Hera, goddness of marriage and pruity, and killed she. When Hera died the plants of the world died too.
Kratos enter to the maze and realsed Pandora and went with she at the room of the box. Zeus was there. Kratos turned crazy and began to fight versus Zeus and supered him but didn't destroied him. Pandora tried opened the box but Kratos didn't want that she died. Unfortunatly, Kratos let Pandora for find Zeus and she dided for the fire. Kratos advenchaed the situation and opened the box for kill Zeus... but the box was empty! Pandora died for nothing.
Kratos looked fot Zeus and he found him easily. They beagan to fought again when Gaia apppered. She wanted kill both because Zeus was a god and Kratos abandoned she. Zeus and Kratos escpaed from Gaia entering in she. There both fought again and finally Kratos killed Zeus and Gaia. But when the corpse of Zeus and Kratos left from the titan the spirit of the Zeus salted from the god and attacked Kratos. The spapartan was alomst to die but he survived. For the moment he rembered somethings like the death of his wife and his daughter or the death of Pandora. When he returened he beated Zeus's sprit and destroy the Mount Olypmus.
The world was immersed in caos and destruccions: the death of Zeus caused a lot of disaster like huracans. Atenea's spririt met with Kratos again. She said that he beated Zeus because she put a power in the Pandora's box and he purchased it. Kratos told she that it wasn't possible because the box was empty. But the goddless said that he purchased the power when he opened for first time, when he kill Ares. Atenea requiered the power. Kratos was thinking what the must do: give the power to Atenea or keep it. Finally he decided commit suicide for gave the power to the humans and their spirits. This power was the hope.
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