Jordi Evole, known as El Follonero, directs a TV program called Salvados. This project was born on 2008. At the beginning Salvados only broadcast in special moments: European football championships, Spanish elections... After a year, the program became weekly (every Sunday at 9.30 p.m.)
In the current, they season talked about a lot of polemical topics: Qatar Foundation, Urdangarín, monarchy, police, banks...
Salvados is one of the few that are worth to see because they do fantastic reports about current topics and use a bit of humour too. I think that Jordi Evole won't be El Follonero anymore, now he's Jordi as a reporter.
Here is a part of my favourite Salvados:
I see this program every sunday, it's very critic with the society and Jordi Évole is a controversial reporter, is one thing that makes the programme more special !