I was very nervious doing our expo oral. I don't know why but when I have to do expo oral always I became nervious. I think our expo was with good structure and good powerpoint. I knew what I had to say but for the nervious I had to read a lot. For this I think my mark is a 7.
You can see my expo oral in Clara's space.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Can we live without humor?
Humans, to live together, (families or with friends) needs to use humor. It's impossible to be with other people 24h/day and don't laugh any time. You talk with others and sometimes the conversations are lazy. As a result we use humor to do mor fun the conversations.
Besides, humor gives to live a little bit of color. Without that resuruce, live wold be similar to black and white photos: can be a great photo but it default something. I think humor and laugh are the best parameters to know if one is happy or not.
In conclution, humor is necessary for us because give us a color to this life.
Breaking news: NBA lockout
Since last September, NBA (National Basketball Assotiation) is in lockout. This word in catalan means "tancament patronal". The owners are disagree with the collective agreement. They think that players win too much money and, logically, players say that the actual situation is good.
Both parts have negocied a few times with reunions of 12 hours but today we can say that is so far the NBA start. For this a lot of NBA players are coming to Europe. Rudy Fernandez (Dallas Mavericks) and Serge Ibaka (Oklahoma City Thunders) have gone to Real Madrid, Tony Parker (San Antonio Spurs) has arrived to ASVEL Lyon, Thiago Splitter (San Antonio Spurs) have signed for Valencia and Andrei Kirilenko (Utah Jazz) has gone to CSKA Moscow. There are other players that left from NBA but these are the most importants.
In my opinion, players and owners have to arrive to an agreement. Only for the public who wants to see the best baskeball of all the world. European basketball isn't the same that NBA because here there are a lot of leagues (country leagues) and a big competition (Euroleague). In USA this is different: there are only one championship with the bests teams of all times and this is what basketball fans is the best way to see basketball.
Both parts have negocied a few times with reunions of 12 hours but today we can say that is so far the NBA start. For this a lot of NBA players are coming to Europe. Rudy Fernandez (Dallas Mavericks) and Serge Ibaka (Oklahoma City Thunders) have gone to Real Madrid, Tony Parker (San Antonio Spurs) has arrived to ASVEL Lyon, Thiago Splitter (San Antonio Spurs) have signed for Valencia and Andrei Kirilenko (Utah Jazz) has gone to CSKA Moscow. There are other players that left from NBA but these are the most importants.
In my opinion, players and owners have to arrive to an agreement. Only for the public who wants to see the best baskeball of all the world. European basketball isn't the same that NBA because here there are a lot of leagues (country leagues) and a big competition (Euroleague). In USA this is different: there are only one championship with the bests teams of all times and this is what basketball fans is the best way to see basketball.
Breaking news: Bye Bye Berlusconi
I'm agree with Italian people who want that Berlusconi left. Althrough, they voted he a few years ago, so they must know who are voting for.
Now, the first minister Italian is Mario Monti, an important economist. He is the chosen because the economic situaction of the country is very bad. I'm disagree with this, because people must have the possibility to choose who governs us. Yes, maybe now for Italy (and Greece) it's good have economist on the goverment but they aren't chose for the people.
That's a good example to see that we are living an important historic period: democraticy's crisis. In this moment, I don't think people have the power of decide, the markets control us. We are living in a dictatorship of market!
Breaking news: Spain's Ghost Airport
This video explains the Ciudad Real airport case. Before 2007, when all the occidental world (include Spain) had money, was possible spend in big infrastructures (trains, airports, buldings...). Obiously, that's a good way to use money. Althrough, the airports and train stations were bulid in places that there aren't a lot of people. In my opinion this is for the famous "Cafe para todos" (Coffe for all).
The Ciudad Real's airoport is desertic. Any flying company wants use that place to put airplanes. The same happen with AVE stations: they are bulit in cities with a little number of people. I think that these money could be used to improve infrastuctures in places where there are more people. Durning spansih goverment had spent money in cases like Ciudad Real, now in 2011, AVE doesn't arrived to France (and now, with economical crisis will arrive more later).
When we got money we use it to do a lot of things that it seems that they are good, but when the bad times arrives, we see that these things aren't so good.
The Ciudad Real's airoport is desertic. Any flying company wants use that place to put airplanes. The same happen with AVE stations: they are bulit in cities with a little number of people. I think that these money could be used to improve infrastuctures in places where there are more people. Durning spansih goverment had spent money in cases like Ciudad Real, now in 2011, AVE doesn't arrived to France (and now, with economical crisis will arrive more later).
When we got money we use it to do a lot of things that it seems that they are good, but when the bad times arrives, we see that these things aren't so good.
Worst joke ever!
Here's the joke that I told on class. It's a very stupid joke!
An old person and a young person talking about time and getting older
Hello dear!
What’s up, granddad?
Well, today I feel bad, my legs are failing. I hate getting older, it’s a shit.
Really? I though being old would be fun...
Really it’s fun but I don’t know why all the old people say that it’s a shit, I said this because it’s a custom... I don’t think this, being older is the most fun experience in my life!
Are you kidding me? If I could I would be young forever. I’m afraid getting old.
When you get old you have another point of view to the world. For example, today you have to think about exams, homework, your future, maybe you have to study, to go to an after school...
Ah... and you only have to think if there will be a place on the bench for you...
Ha, ha, ha, I have to think how I will be happy this day and I always achieve this. So for me life is like the words of one of your songs: “Don’t worry, be happy”!
Hello dear!
What’s up, granddad?
Well, today I feel bad, my legs are failing. I hate getting older, it’s a shit.
Really? I though being old would be fun...
Really it’s fun but I don’t know why all the old people say that it’s a shit, I said this because it’s a custom... I don’t think this, being older is the most fun experience in my life!
Are you kidding me? If I could I would be young forever. I’m afraid getting old.
When you get old you have another point of view to the world. For example, today you have to think about exams, homework, your future, maybe you have to study, to go to an after school...
Ah... and you only have to think if there will be a place on the bench for you...
Ha, ha, ha, I have to think how I will be happy this day and I always achieve this. So for me life is like the words of one of your songs: “Don’t worry, be happy”!
Last school year
Now I will talk about last school year. Today, after summer, I can say that last year was the best school year for me. I get good marks and I enjoy during the year. I learned a lot of things too.
At the begining I was a little scared because I started Batxillerat. But quickly, I adapt to new timetable and more work. In the clasroom I enjoy during the year for Simon, Guillem C., Sebas, Paul, Pep, Quim, Omar and the rest of our classrom. With that people, was like return to childrish: we laugh, we turn the our bags, draw cricatures of ourselves... Here are a cricature drawed for Paul
I will explain this picture: Guillaemon is Guillem C. That's because he's head is so big and because is a little deaf (and Doraemon don't have ears), Adolf Zbinden is for Simon. That's because he's from Swiss and we say to him that he's nazi (but obiously is a lie). Sebas got that look for his long hair. Omar is draw it only like a black man. Tucaquim is for Quim, and that's for his long nose. "Unpeploompa! is for Pep because we said to him that looks like oompaloompa. And the last one I'm a monkey because Paul didn't find any strange feature. Maybe it's for my segond name: Mancilla is easy became to "Moncilla" from "mono". A few months later that Paul drew it that, they found me a feature: my big ears!
I hope this year I can repeat the last year experience but I know that 2nd Batxillerat is harder than 1st. But, for now I'm enjoing it too ;-)
At the begining I was a little scared because I started Batxillerat. But quickly, I adapt to new timetable and more work. In the clasroom I enjoy during the year for Simon, Guillem C., Sebas, Paul, Pep, Quim, Omar and the rest of our classrom. With that people, was like return to childrish: we laugh, we turn the our bags, draw cricatures of ourselves... Here are a cricature drawed for Paul
I will explain this picture: Guillaemon is Guillem C. That's because he's head is so big and because is a little deaf (and Doraemon don't have ears), Adolf Zbinden is for Simon. That's because he's from Swiss and we say to him that he's nazi (but obiously is a lie). Sebas got that look for his long hair. Omar is draw it only like a black man. Tucaquim is for Quim, and that's for his long nose. "Unpeploompa! is for Pep because we said to him that looks like oompaloompa. And the last one I'm a monkey because Paul didn't find any strange feature. Maybe it's for my segond name: Mancilla is easy became to "Moncilla" from "mono". A few months later that Paul drew it that, they found me a feature: my big ears!
I hope this year I can repeat the last year experience but I know that 2nd Batxillerat is harder than 1st. But, for now I'm enjoing it too ;-)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
inFamous is a Playstation videogame. The plot explains the story of Cole MacGrath, a bike mensenger. Cole was working when a strange bomb exploted near him. The explotion caused the destruction of all buldings of the city but Cole didn't die. He get electric powers and he became a super hero with electric powers. At the begining he don't know how to use these powers but during the game he learn it. Also, during first game he must destroy some bands that want get the power of city.
The visual graphics of this game are awesome, it seems that the player is in the city too. inFamous is an original game because for first time you can choose if you want to be "a good person" or a "bad person". Depending of your actions your karma can be positive or negative: for example, if you kill innocent people your negative karma will grow up. The player controls Cole with absolut freedom for all the city. We can use Cole's powers when we want do it. The main powers of Cole are: the thunder (to kill enemies) , the voltaic wave (to move things as cars), the thunder fell, the tension granade, the stactic thursters and the electric storm.
I discovered inFamous last summer. PlayStation Network (PSN) failed last spring and to reward the problems, give to users a free videogame to dowload. So in summer, I downloaded for free inFamous. After I discovered that on june inFamous 2 were in the stores. At begining of Novemeber, my cousin give me for my birthday a mini game of inFamous called inFamous: Festival of Blood where Cole is a vamp.
The visual graphics of this game are awesome, it seems that the player is in the city too. inFamous is an original game because for first time you can choose if you want to be "a good person" or a "bad person". Depending of your actions your karma can be positive or negative: for example, if you kill innocent people your negative karma will grow up. The player controls Cole with absolut freedom for all the city. We can use Cole's powers when we want do it. The main powers of Cole are: the thunder (to kill enemies) , the voltaic wave (to move things as cars), the thunder fell, the tension granade, the stactic thursters and the electric storm.
I discovered inFamous last summer. PlayStation Network (PSN) failed last spring and to reward the problems, give to users a free videogame to dowload. So in summer, I downloaded for free inFamous. After I discovered that on june inFamous 2 were in the stores. At begining of Novemeber, my cousin give me for my birthday a mini game of inFamous called inFamous: Festival of Blood where Cole is a vamp.
Tomorrow (20N), Spain celebrates general elections. Zapatero, the actual president, anunciated in summer that in 20 November. Until now, PSOE governed Spain with minority.
The majority of suveys for the 20N elections are saying that PP will win with absolut majority. I think this will happen because a lot of people is agry with PSOE. The majority of people think that Zapatero did bad a lot of things to finish the economical crisis and they look for a solution in PP. I don't think that to vote PP is the solution because will do the same as PSOE: do the things that EU say.
In my opinon, spanish people must to vote other politcal parties than PSOE or PP because in the background they are the same. Both parties are interesed in keep this system and our system is dying gradually. We can change this voting politcal parties who really want change (not PP who say: "Vote for the change") as for example Escons en Blanc, Partit Pirata and others.
Sumarizing, PP will win for majority the elections of tomorrow because the majority of people in Spain thinks that they can change this but, in my opinion, PP won't change nothing. To resume my ideas I will took a sentence that I discover on Facebook: "Entre rosas y gaviotas nos han tomado por idiotas" (Between roses and gulls, they have taken us as iditots)
PD: This is the result of reflection day, haha.
The majority of suveys for the 20N elections are saying that PP will win with absolut majority. I think this will happen because a lot of people is agry with PSOE. The majority of people think that Zapatero did bad a lot of things to finish the economical crisis and they look for a solution in PP. I don't think that to vote PP is the solution because will do the same as PSOE: do the things that EU say.
In my opinon, spanish people must to vote other politcal parties than PSOE or PP because in the background they are the same. Both parties are interesed in keep this system and our system is dying gradually. We can change this voting politcal parties who really want change (not PP who say: "Vote for the change") as for example Escons en Blanc, Partit Pirata and others.
Sumarizing, PP will win for majority the elections of tomorrow because the majority of people in Spain thinks that they can change this but, in my opinion, PP won't change nothing. To resume my ideas I will took a sentence that I discover on Facebook: "Entre rosas y gaviotas nos han tomado por idiotas" (Between roses and gulls, they have taken us as iditots)
PD: This is the result of reflection day, haha.
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