I think I improve a little in this year especially vocabulary and use of realtive pronouns. I think that now I know how use relative pronouns in English. Also I leared more vocabulary reading books and doing exercices in class (for example: barking, enviroment, waste...) However, I don't know why (probably for the "stress" of Batxillerat) my English marks are worst than other years.
In my opinion, Grammar Exercices show my real level English because with Grammar Excercies you demostrate that you have understand English. Probably, readings also show the level English because are essential for understand English lenguage.
It seems that readings are really useful for me to improve my level English because in readings you learn vocabulary and how structure sentences.
I don't see useful do activites as play games. It's true that English games are fun (I'm not disargee play games) but I think that isn't useful. They are more or less imporants for do diferent things but talking about use, I don't think that games are useful.
I enjoyed doing activites as see English films o listenings because are fun but also you learn different things.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Oral Presentation and Podscat
I got problems to upload videos and podscats so I can't post these tasks. In this post I can valorate my oral presentation and upload our Powerpoint.
I think our oral presentation wasn't good because we didn't prepare good (we don't get time) and I was very nervious, so I think our mark is a correct mark.
I think our oral presentation wasn't good because we didn't prepare good (we don't get time) and I was very nervious, so I think our mark is a correct mark.
V for Vendetta
The last film that I have seen is V for Vendetta. This film is based on a book which calls at the same name ass the film. The film director is James McTeigue, who was born in Australia. The actors are Nataile Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Fry and others.
The plot of the film is based in the V's history. V (Hugo Weaving) is a mysterious man who always wear a mask. This man live in London, England. The political system isn't a demoracy but is a dictatorship whose leader is Adam Sutler. V wants destroy the dicatorship for be free. V found a young girl, called Evey Hammond (Nataile Portman), who is attacked for the police. V wants change the society and shows to Evey what can he do. In the first part of the film, Evey lives with V in his home and sometimes V go out (probably to kill people realtionship with Sutler). In the second part Evey is tried of V and leaves from his house. Now, Evey lives with a fellow worker. In his house she is captured and must think how escape from jawl.
I think V for Vendetta is an excellent film: good scenes, great actors and surprsing end! In our time I think that is a fantastic film because talk about change and new society. Also I think that we should learn about V's speech. I recomend this film for people who are disagree with our system.
The plot of the film is based in the V's history. V (Hugo Weaving) is a mysterious man who always wear a mask. This man live in London, England. The political system isn't a demoracy but is a dictatorship whose leader is Adam Sutler. V wants destroy the dicatorship for be free. V found a young girl, called Evey Hammond (Nataile Portman), who is attacked for the police. V wants change the society and shows to Evey what can he do. In the first part of the film, Evey lives with V in his home and sometimes V go out (probably to kill people realtionship with Sutler). In the second part Evey is tried of V and leaves from his house. Now, Evey lives with a fellow worker. In his house she is captured and must think how escape from jawl.
I think V for Vendetta is an excellent film: good scenes, great actors and surprsing end! In our time I think that is a fantastic film because talk about change and new society. Also I think that we should learn about V's speech. I recomend this film for people who are disagree with our system.
Angela Merkel to seek EU help for wronged spanish farmers
That pize of news explain that German Chancellor, Angela Merkel is agree to help farmers in spain because the lost has been high. Also, the pize of news talks about how is E coli and says that this bacteria is highly contagious from human to human.
I agree with Angela Merkel's idea becuase spainsh farmers have lost a lot of money and they must recover it. Also I don't understand why people said that cause of E coli was spanish vegetables.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Translating a song: Obrint Pas - La Flama
"No et limites a contemplar / Don't limit yourself to see
aquestes hores que ara vénen, / these hours which now are coming
baixa al carrer i participa. / go to street and take part
No podran res davant d´un poble / They can't do nothing in front people
unit, alegre i combatiu" / united, happy and combative
Amb l’espurna de la història / With spark of the history
i avançant a pas valent, / and advancing with bold step
hem encès dins la memòria / we have lit into memory
la flama d’un sentiment. / a flame of a sense.
Viure sempre corrent, / To live always running
avançant amb la gent, / advancing with people
rellevant contra el vent, / reliving against wind
transportant sentiments. / carrying senses.
Viure mantenint viva / To live keeping alive
la flama a través dels temps, / the flame into times
la flama de tot un poble / the flame of a people
en moviment. / moving
Amb columnes de paraules / With words colummns
i travessant la llarga nit, / and acrossing long night
hem fet de valls, mars i muntanyes, / we have done of valeys, seas and mountains
vells escenaris d’un nou crit. / old places of a shout
Viure sempre corrent, / To live always running
avançant amb la gent, / advancing with people
rellevant contra el vent, / reliving against wind
transportant sentiments. / carrying senses.
Viure mantenint viva / To live keeping alive
la flama a través dels temps, / the flame into times
la flama de tot un poble / the flame of a people
en moviment./ moving
FCBarcelona - RMadrid
Last two weeks Futbol Club Barcelona and Real Madrid have played four times between them! They played three competitions: Spanish League (the first match), King's Cup (the second match) and UEFA Champions League (the third and fourth matches).
The first match was very adjusted: Barça get the possetion of ball but Madrid defended very good. Unfortunatly for Jose Mourinho, Madrid coach, in the 51th minute Raul Albiol (Madrid) comete penalty. The referee showed red card to Albiol and Lionel Messi (Barça) scored the penalty. After twenty minutes Dani Alves (Barça) did penalty and Cristiano Ronaldo (Madrid) scored. Finally, the first match finished 1-1. This match was the less important because in Spanish League, Barça get 8 points more than Madrid.
The second match was more important because the team who win the match, win the King's Cup. In the first half Madrid get more oportunites for score but the players didn't score. In the second part was very different, Barça get the ball again and the oportunites. The 90 minutes finished 0-0, so they had to play the extra time. In these time both teams were tried but in the 102 minute, Cristiano Ronaldo scored and obligated Barça score for go to penalties round. Barça didn't scored and Madrid won the first cup in two years.
The third match was the most contrversial of four matches. This match was the 1st leg and was played in Santiago Bernabeu (Madrid's field). Mourinho proposed a defensive match (for finish 0-0 and score some goal in Barcelona) but in minute 60 Pepe (Madrid) saw red-card. This provoced the anger of Mourinho who also saw red-card. Since these moment Barça attack a lot for score and get adventatge for the 2nd leg. The match finished 0-2 with two scores of Lionel Messi.
After the match, Mourinho said: "Today has been shown that at Barcelona you have no chance. For UEFA does not leave any of the other teams play against them and I don't understand why."
The last match (the 2nd leg of the Champions Semifinals) was so intense. Madrid wanted score at the beginning for go back. Barça controled the match and arrived at 2nd half 0-0. In the 2nd half Madrid atacked more but was Barça who scored first (Pedro). Madrid didn't lose the hope and score (Marcelo). The match finished, Barça arrived to Wembley's final and the four "clássics" in two weeks finished.
The second match was more important because the team who win the match, win the King's Cup. In the first half Madrid get more oportunites for score but the players didn't score. In the second part was very different, Barça get the ball again and the oportunites. The 90 minutes finished 0-0, so they had to play the extra time. In these time both teams were tried but in the 102 minute, Cristiano Ronaldo scored and obligated Barça score for go to penalties round. Barça didn't scored and Madrid won the first cup in two years.
The third match was the most contrversial of four matches. This match was the 1st leg and was played in Santiago Bernabeu (Madrid's field). Mourinho proposed a defensive match (for finish 0-0 and score some goal in Barcelona) but in minute 60 Pepe (Madrid) saw red-card. This provoced the anger of Mourinho who also saw red-card. Since these moment Barça attack a lot for score and get adventatge for the 2nd leg. The match finished 0-2 with two scores of Lionel Messi.
The last match (the 2nd leg of the Champions Semifinals) was so intense. Madrid wanted score at the beginning for go back. Barça controled the match and arrived at 2nd half 0-0. In the 2nd half Madrid atacked more but was Barça who scored first (Pedro). Madrid didn't lose the hope and score (Marcelo). The match finished, Barça arrived to Wembley's final and the four "clássics" in two weeks finished.
My dog
My dog is called Kiro and he's 4 years ago. The history of why his name is very curious: The first syllabe, KI-, comes from Kimi Raikkonen, a finnish driver Formula1, and the second syllabe, -RO, comes from Valentino Rossi, an italian rider MotoGP.
My family and I adopted Kiro in Figueres on May 2006, when I was in 1st of E.S.O. In these time, Kiro was four or five months ago and he was so little. I rembember Kiro's first day in my house: he was very afraid! Also I rembember that he was shaking. Now, Kiro is very different.
My dog is a little bit crazy because when he wants to do a ride he bark until somebody do the ride with him. He is a little bit nuisance too: when he want eat human food, he chase you until you become angry or until you give some food for him.
However, I love Kiro because when I feel bad or agry he gives my company. I think Kiro can brighten your day because he is a cheerful dog.
My family and I adopted Kiro in Figueres on May 2006, when I was in 1st of E.S.O. In these time, Kiro was four or five months ago and he was so little. I rembember Kiro's first day in my house: he was very afraid! Also I rembember that he was shaking. Now, Kiro is very different.
My dog is a little bit crazy because when he wants to do a ride he bark until somebody do the ride with him. He is a little bit nuisance too: when he want eat human food, he chase you until you become angry or until you give some food for him.
However, I love Kiro because when I feel bad or agry he gives my company. I think Kiro can brighten your day because he is a cheerful dog.
Friday, June 3, 2011
A day of my life
In this text I will talk about how is a day of my life. I wake up at 6.55 a.m. After, I get shower during 10 or 15 minutes. When I finish to get shower I dress. I have breakfast at 7.15 a.m. aproximatly. After that I prepare the school bag and I clean my teeth. At 7.45 a.m., I go to highschool with my mum. Before to go to highschool, we go to Manel's house and he and his sister go with us to highschool. At 7.50 a.m. we arrive to IES Castelló d'Empúries and we in to the classroom. I'm in highschool since 8.00 a.m. to 2.25 p.m. except on Monday (since 8.00 a.m. to 4.25 p.m) and on Wednesday (since 8.00 a.m. to 1.25 p.m.)
When I finish highschool I return to my house with Manel's mum. I have lunch there (except Monday when I have lunch in Punt de Trobada) and I do homework. On Wednesday and Friday I go to train children (I'm coach) and I go to train.
So I go to CEIP Joana d'Empúries, where I train with children, at 5.00 p.m. The children's training finishes at 6.45 p.m. and my training begins at 7.00 p.m. so I must go quickly to Castello's pavailon for train. I finish my training at 8.45 p.m. After finish my training I return to home where I have dinner and I see TV. I go to bed at 11.00 p.m. aproximatly.
When I finish highschool I return to my house with Manel's mum. I have lunch there (except Monday when I have lunch in Punt de Trobada) and I do homework. On Wednesday and Friday I go to train children (I'm coach) and I go to train.
So I go to CEIP Joana d'Empúries, where I train with children, at 5.00 p.m. The children's training finishes at 6.45 p.m. and my training begins at 7.00 p.m. so I must go quickly to Castello's pavailon for train. I finish my training at 8.45 p.m. After finish my training I return to home where I have dinner and I see TV. I go to bed at 11.00 p.m. aproximatly.
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