Friday, November 19, 2010
Aznar and ecologism
Today I read a surpise new for me: The Ex President of Spain, Jose María Aznar, says now that all spainsh would be a good ecologist. When he was in Moncloa (1996 - 2004) he didn't do any ecoligist politcal. When he was in Moncloa he said that the climatic change is an utopia. Now he's a memeber (honorific president) of an ecologist plataform and he would say that all people would be ecologist. In my opinion, this shows that Mr. Aznar is a false person because depending of the charge that he occupies he is for the ecoligism or no. Also, now he says that everytime he knowed that Iraq didn't have destruction massive guns. But when he was in Moncloa, he attack this country only because Bush said: 'They got a destruciton massive guns!" and Aznar like a dog did the same as Bush.
Thirteen vs Adrian Mole
Between thirteen and Adrian Mole have got a lot of diferences and similties here are the most importants:
The similiarites are that both principal characters are teens (13 years old). Both have got school problems and families problems (the fathers are divorciaded). In the book, a lot of things that Adrian do, he is obligaded to do. In the film the prinicpal charater too. For example she drinks and tries differents drugs. Other similarity is that the friends of principal characters do something first than Adrian or Tracy.
The diferencies are that Tracy got a terrible problems with she (she start to drinks and try drugs..) and Adrian no got this several promblems.
The similiarites are that both principal characters are teens (13 years old). Both have got school problems and families problems (the fathers are divorciaded). In the book, a lot of things that Adrian do, he is obligaded to do. In the film the prinicpal charater too. For example she drinks and tries differents drugs. Other similarity is that the friends of principal characters do something first than Adrian or Tracy.
The diferencies are that Tracy got a terrible problems with she (she start to drinks and try drugs..) and Adrian no got this several promblems.
Expo Oral
Hi I'm Guillem Mancilla and my oral presentation is about handball. I wanna talk about handball in general, next time I will talk about handball positions. After of other types of handball. Next time I will talk about counties of handball practise and then Catalonia and Girona. Finally me and handball.
Handball is a sport played in pavalion. It's seven players for team. And you can do... other seven... (here I was very nervious!!! I forgeted the word 'changes')em.. in the match you can do changes and the IHF is the federation of reguls handball rules. And the main rules of handball are the follows: when you do a foult you can resived three possibilty penalites: yeallow cards, when the foul is hard but the aren't an obvious goal accion, exclusion the offender goes 2 minutes when it became in a obvious goal accion and exclusion hard, several and obvious goal accion. He goes out of the game. And this is the handball court. This is the area you can't go on area only the goalkeeper. And this is the court.
Now the hanball positions: Goalkeeper he defends the portery and try that other team no goal.
2 sides that they are in the extrem, in the corner. They try score goals for the corner. 2 sides: they try through of the defence next to the central and tries to goal. The sides are people tall and strong. The pivot is the... is in the defence but he attacks, is attacking and he is strong and fat. He got a good shoot
The central is he, and he directs the attack. He is between the two sides.
The other type of handball are mini handball is the handball of the little children until 12 years old and beach handball pracisted in beach normally in summer. You can't vote because with the sand is impossible.
Well, now handball tradition: for nations internationaly are Germany, Croatia, France and Irland. The actual world champion is France, the European France too and the Olyimpic champion France too. So France is triple king.
The best clubs are in Spain, Cuidad Real and Barça, Germany, Kiel, and France, Montpellier.
In Catalonia the best club is Barça, the seccion of the football club, Granollers, this is their symbol is the oldest club n Sapin and is in Catalonia and Sarria de Ter is in Girona.
In Girona, only one club in Alt Empordàis the Esplais. And in Banyoles and Fornells there are other handball teams.
I play handball since 2003 but in 2007 I leave because I can't play because any other players have in the club but I back in 2008 because the club reorganizaded and I beagan to play handball of all the court. Since September of this year I'm coach of children of 8 9 years old and they play a league of schools.
Before to the end I wanna show a goal of Juanin Garcia player of Barça.
Question: No in the Emporda in Girona have Banyoles, Fornells, GEIEG... but in all Emporda only Esplais.
What waht? Question? A well, in Barcelona, Lloret, Parets.... Thank you for you attention
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
PP videogame

In my opinion PP has cometied an enourmus error because with this videogame they are saying that their are xenofogs and hate everybody that is diferent that they. Alicia in the videogame kill independece people and lot of polical partits thinks this. So PP want eliminate people who is another "race" and another ideology.
I think that the other politcal partits shouldn't do elecotral publicity of this but yes say to the votants because they choose the next president.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Fairy tale (correction)
A 21 century princes
Not so long ago and in a kingdom no too distant a princess called Elizabeth was preparing to ascend to throne. Elizabeth's father was very ill so soon she would be the new queen. The education of the princess was focused to make she a good queen.
Unfortunately for Elizabeth’s parents, when she was an adolecent she met people who thought that the king is bad for the country. At the beggining the princess didn’t share this opinion but with time, finally, she thought this too.
For the anti king ideas of the princess, she was thinking not become queen but to be a broken in wall street.
When Elizabeth told her puroposes to his father, the king died instant for a heart attack. A doctor went to the royal palace for see the cause of the death. He said that his heart was weak but with the words of her daughter the heart said stop and killed the king.
‘I will be an excellent broker’ said Elizabeth to her mother. ‘But the kingdom is without king!’ said the queen. Elizabeth said to her mother that in her opinion the kingdom was bad for the people of the country. With this thoughts the new queen, Elizabeth, dissolved the kingdom and funded a new country with democracy.
Elizabeth left the country and went to the United States to be a broker. She didn’t have education for be broker but she got illussion.
In wall street the situation was very bad: the world was inmersed in an enormus economic crisis. For this, only the best brokers could work. As we said, Elizabeth didn’t have any education to be a broker so she couldn't find work. She was forced to go back to her country.
In her country everything was good: everybody got a good wage, the new president (called Montgomery, known as Monty) was very efficent... When Elizabeth arrived to the country she went to talk to Monty become queen. When Monty and Elizabeth met they fell in love. The president was divorced so he could marry.
After six months of relationship they married and were happy forever.
Fairy tale
A 21 century princes
Not so long ago and in a kingdom no too distant a princess called Elizabeth was preparing to ascend to throne. Elizabeth father’s very ill so soon she will be the new queen. The education of the princess was focused to be a good queen.
Unfortunately for the Elizabeth’s parents, when she was adolecent she met with people who thinks that the king it’s bad for the country. At the beggining the princess didn’t share this opinion but with time, finally, the thinks this too.
For the ideeas anti king of the princess, she was thinking in not be queen but to be broken in wall street.
When Elizabeth told her puroposes to his father, the king dies in the instant for an attack in his heart. A doctor went to royal palace for see the cause of the death. He said that his heart was weak but with the words of her daughter the heart said stop and kill the king.
‘I will be an execllent broker’ said Elizabeth to her mother. ‘But the kingdom is wihout king!’ said the queen. Elizabeth said to her mother that in her opinion the kingdom was bad for the people of the field. With this thoughts the new queen, Elizabeth, dissovled the kingdom and funded a new country with democracy.
Elizabeth left the country and went to United States for be broker. She didn’t have education for be broker but she got ilussion.
In wall street the situation was very bad: the world was inmersed in a enormus economic crisis. For this, only the bests brokers could work. As we said, Elizabeth didn’t have any education for be borker so she can find work. She was forced to go back to the country.
In the country all was good: everybody got a good wage, the new president (called Montgomery, known as Monty) was very eficent... When Elizabeth arrvied to the country she want talk with Monty for claim for be queen. When Monty and Elizabeth met they fall in love. The president was divorced so he could marry.
After six months of relationship they married and were happy forever.
The Ceasefire of ETA
Everybody in Spain are very skepitcal about the ceasefire of ETA. This is a logic thing because ETA done other ceasefire in the past (1998, with PP in the governancy and 2006 with PSOE) and never was the definitve stop. But, in my opinion, this time is different for some reasons.
In the others ceasefires the politicans wanted talk with ETA but now no, so this ceasefire wasn't asked for the governancy. Other reasons are the detencions and the little support that Left Abertzale give to them. The lastest months, a lot of ETA membres are arrested and ETA is hurt.
However we must be careful and not to realy at 100% terrorists. This isn't the last step for the peace in Spain and in Euskadi but I think that is better than nothing.
People close to terrorists said that Catalonia in peace has logged more than Eusakdi with ETA. I think that is a good thought because with guns never will get nothing, only they can get rejection of spanish society and only generates conflict between the euskadi society and the rest of Spain.
In the others ceasefires the politicans wanted talk with ETA but now no, so this ceasefire wasn't asked for the governancy. Other reasons are the detencions and the little support that Left Abertzale give to them. The lastest months, a lot of ETA membres are arrested and ETA is hurt.
However we must be careful and not to realy at 100% terrorists. This isn't the last step for the peace in Spain and in Euskadi but I think that is better than nothing.
People close to terrorists said that Catalonia in peace has logged more than Eusakdi with ETA. I think that is a good thought because with guns never will get nothing, only they can get rejection of spanish society and only generates conflict between the euskadi society and the rest of Spain.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Alguna Pregunta Més?, APM? (Any Question More?)
Hi, today I will talk about Alguna Pregunta Més? my favourite TV program. Last year I wote about APM? but in one posts I talked about more than one TV program. This year I'll talk I one post of one program, so the information that I'll write will be more than last year.
Alguna Pregunta Més? it's a comedy program of TV3. The program don't have any set and any presenter. APM? consists in give parts of other TV programs with mistakes of the TV presenter or the video. Also the productors of APM? include after the videos of other TV programs, a little parts of "charaters" of TV saying laughing phrases. This laughing sentences it's the best of APM? because sometimes you laugh more with this seconds than the other long videos with mistakes.
Alguna Pregunta Més? got a lot of seccions. Continued I'll put the more popular seccions and the classical seccions:
Ranking APM?: It's a ranking with the bests mistakes of all week. This ranking lasts all the program. Sometimes (depends of the time of the program) the ranking have 5 positions and some times 10 positions.
Homo APM?: It's the only worker of APM? that shows up in the program. He is don't a TV presenter but he is an actor. Homo APM? go to other TV programs, parties, cities, films presentations... talking APM's "language". This means that he talks with the little parts that the program include between the mistakes of other TV programs. In my opinion, this seccion is the most popular at the moment becasue all fans of APM have been "infected" of this language.
El defensor de l'espectador (The defender of the beholder): It was the best seccion in the past but since Homo APM? began to show up El defensor de l'espectador lose popularity. This seccion shows scenes that the charaters do things that if you stop to think are very shameful. This seccions tries to feels the audience like in a football match. Represents that he match is really bad and the people whistles. One of the famous sentences of APM? is of this seccion: Ho haveu vist? La mare que els va parir!
Cinquè mil·leni (fifth millenium): This seccion do a parody of other TV program: Cuarto Milenio (Fourth Millenium). In this seccion the viedos that show up are relationship of stranges things that the people do in TV. Between videos show up Iker Jimenez, the Cuarto Milenio presenter, saying sentences that tries do afraid. But with the conetext (the viedos that people do strange thinks) this sentences make you laugh
El minut de glòria (the glory minute): El minut de gloria is a classical seccion of APM?. Probably this seccion exists since 2004, the year that began APM? in TV. Now this seccion isn't show up every program and it's possible that early disappears.
APM? is issue in Tuesday at 21.50. In Sunday issue APM? Extra, a remake of APM? of the Tuesday but it's more long and include parts of APM of other years, months or weeks.
Since this spring a web appears in Internet called: Esto es demasiado para mi cabeza and consists in put the short funny phrases in buttons and when you click on button you listen one phrase. For APM? fans was very funny this web.
Alguna Pregunta Més? it's a comedy program of TV3. The program don't have any set and any presenter. APM? consists in give parts of other TV programs with mistakes of the TV presenter or the video. Also the productors of APM? include after the videos of other TV programs, a little parts of "charaters" of TV saying laughing phrases. This laughing sentences it's the best of APM? because sometimes you laugh more with this seconds than the other long videos with mistakes.
Alguna Pregunta Més? got a lot of seccions. Continued I'll put the more popular seccions and the classical seccions:
Ranking APM?: It's a ranking with the bests mistakes of all week. This ranking lasts all the program. Sometimes (depends of the time of the program) the ranking have 5 positions and some times 10 positions.
Homo APM?: It's the only worker of APM? that shows up in the program. He is don't a TV presenter but he is an actor. Homo APM? go to other TV programs, parties, cities, films presentations... talking APM's "language". This means that he talks with the little parts that the program include between the mistakes of other TV programs. In my opinion, this seccion is the most popular at the moment becasue all fans of APM have been "infected" of this language.
El defensor de l'espectador (The defender of the beholder): It was the best seccion in the past but since Homo APM? began to show up El defensor de l'espectador lose popularity. This seccion shows scenes that the charaters do things that if you stop to think are very shameful. This seccions tries to feels the audience like in a football match. Represents that he match is really bad and the people whistles. One of the famous sentences of APM? is of this seccion: Ho haveu vist? La mare que els va parir!
Cinquè mil·leni (fifth millenium): This seccion do a parody of other TV program: Cuarto Milenio (Fourth Millenium). In this seccion the viedos that show up are relationship of stranges things that the people do in TV. Between videos show up Iker Jimenez, the Cuarto Milenio presenter, saying sentences that tries do afraid. But with the conetext (the viedos that people do strange thinks) this sentences make you laugh
El minut de glòria (the glory minute): El minut de gloria is a classical seccion of APM?. Probably this seccion exists since 2004, the year that began APM? in TV. Now this seccion isn't show up every program and it's possible that early disappears.
APM? is issue in Tuesday at 21.50. In Sunday issue APM? Extra, a remake of APM? of the Tuesday but it's more long and include parts of APM of other years, months or weeks.
Since this spring a web appears in Internet called: Esto es demasiado para mi cabeza and consists in put the short funny phrases in buttons and when you click on button you listen one phrase. For APM? fans was very funny this web.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Anthony Kiedis is the singer of the band. He founded the band with Flea in 1983 in California. Flea is the bassist and he do a lot of "solos". Chad Smith is the drummer and Josj Klinghoffer is the guitar.
I listen Red Hot Chili Peppers since 2008 but before I listened some songs like Otherside. I began to listen this band because one of my friends everyday was listening this and he show me this band.
I like a lot of songs of this band but my favourites are "Snow", "Parallel Universe" and "Dani California". Here are the song Dani California the lyrics and the translation. In my opinion the video are very original.
PD. I can't put the video so I put the link
English lyrics / Catalan lyrics
Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi / Nascut a l'estat del Mississipi
Poppa was a copper and her momma was a hippie / El pare era miner la mare era hippie
In Alabama she was swinging hammer / A Alabama estava movent els seu martell
Price you gotta pay when you break the panorama / Es el preu que has de pagar quan trenques el panorama
She never knew that there was anything more than poor / Ella mai coneixia res que fos més pobre
What in the world does your company take me for? / Què hi ha al món? Per què el meu company em va agafar confiança?
Black bandana, sweet Louisiana / Mocador negre, dolça Lousiana
Robbin' on a bank in the state of Indiana / Que roba un banc a l'estas d'Indiana
She's a runner, rebel and a stunner / Ella corre, es rebel i una bellesa
On her merry way saying baby what you gonna / En el seu feliz cami va digent nena en
Lookin' down the barrel of a hot metal .45/ Mirant per un barril calent de 0.45
Just another way to survive / Una altra manera de sobreviure
California rest in peace / Californa descansa en pau
Simultaneous release / Compte simultàni
California show your teeth / Californa mostra les teves dents
She's my priestess, I'm your priest / Ella és la meva sacerdotissa, jo sóc el teu sacerdot
Yeah, yeah / Yeah Yeah
She's a lover, baby and a fighter / Ella és una amanant, nena i lluitadora
Should've seen her coming when it got a little brighter / L'hauries d'haver vist quan era més brillant
With a name like Dani California / Amb un nom com Dani California
Day was gonna come when I was gonna mourn ya / El dia arribaria quan jo anava a plorar
A little loaded she was stealing another breath / Una mica més carregat que robant un respir.
I love my baby to death / Estimo la meva nena fins la mort.
California rest in peace / California descansa en pau
Simultaneous release / Compte simultàni
California show your teeth / California mostra la teva dent
She's my priestess, I'm your priest / Ella és la meva sacerdotissa jo sóc el teu sacerdot
Yeah, yeah / Yeah, Yeah
Who knew the other side of you? / Qui coneixia la teva altre cara?
Who knew what others died to prove? / Qui sabia que els altres havien mort?
Too true to say goodbye to you / Massa vertader per dir-te adeu
Too true, too sad sad sad / Massa vertader, massa trist trist trist
Push the fader, gifted animator / Porta el pare, un animador amb habilitat
One for the now and eleven for the later / Un per are y onze per després
Never made it up to Minnesota / Mai va arribar a Minnesota
North Dakota man was a gunnin' for the quota / Dakota del Nord estaba cremant per la cuota
Down in the badlands she was saving the best for last / A sota, a les terres ermes ella estava guardant el millor pel final
It only hurts when I laugh / Només fereix quan riu
Gone too fast / Va massa ràpid
California rest in peace / California descansa en pau
Simultaneous release / Compte simultàni
California show your teeth / California mostra la teva dent
She's my priestess, I'm your priest / Ella és la meva sacerdotissa jo sóc el teu sacerdot
Yeah, yeah / Yeah yeah
California rest in peace / California descansa en pau
Simultaneous release / Compte simultàni
California show your teeth / California mostra la teva dent
She's my priestess, I'm your priest / Ella és la meva sacerdotissa jo sóc el teu sacerdot
Yeah, yeah / Yeah, yeah
Forrest Gump review
One of my favourites films is Forrest Gump. This film like my because the type of filme it's different: in one film you got historical film, comedy film and drama film.
Forrest Gump it's a child who got a disabled: he can't walk and talk good. One day some children was chasing Forrest. He began to run and the machine that helped to Forrest for eliminate his problems, crashed. After this he can walk a run good and fast. For this, when he grow up, the Alabama's football team signed him for play in the team. There he was a star: any enemy can't stopped him. Alabama's team won the league and Forrest talked with president Kennedy.
After this Forrest, went to University and he graduated. There he met with a seargent of United States army. Forrest in to the USA army. In army's bus he met with Buba, a man who got other disabled. Buba knowed a lot of prawns. Forrest and Buba went to Vietnam's war. His lieutenant was Lieutenant Dan. In the war Buba and Forrest promied that in the finish they'll do a big company of prawns. Unfortunatly, in the war, Buba died and Lieutenant Dan losed his legs.
In the army Forrest discovered another talent of him: the table tennis. Any company in the army can't won him so he began to went to tamble tennis competitions. For his talent he went to China. When he retourend to USA he met with persident Nixon. After this, Forrest founded the company of prawns but without Buba. The company was very successful and Forrest became rich. Forrest gave a 50 per cent of earnings to family's Buba that was poor.
When he left the the company he began to run. At the beggining the was running in the neighborhood. But he wanted more and run a little more, to other neighborhood. But he was unsatisfied and wanted run more. He run all the county. But he wanted run more and he was running all state of Alabama. He finished running all United States coast to coast. During the trip he met with people who ran with him.
After this, Forrest went to state of Georgia and met with Jenny, his planktonic love. He was a child, called Forrest. They did his child. Jenny also said to Forrest that she got a virus, proably SIDA. This is for the drugs and the sex uncontrolled of Jenny.
They went to Forrest house and finally after some time, Jenny died. Forrest educated Forrest JR. Forrest JR. don't gave the disable of his dad and he was very intelligent.
In my opinion the film is very interesing because Forrest do a lot of things in his live and he do all good. He got a spirit of overcoming great! He met this a lot of american presidents althrough he got a 75 IQ.
After this Forrest, went to University and he graduated. There he met with a seargent of United States army. Forrest in to the USA army. In army's bus he met with Buba, a man who got other disabled. Buba knowed a lot of prawns. Forrest and Buba went to Vietnam's war. His lieutenant was Lieutenant Dan. In the war Buba and Forrest promied that in the finish they'll do a big company of prawns. Unfortunatly, in the war, Buba died and Lieutenant Dan losed his legs.
When he left the the company he began to run. At the beggining the was running in the neighborhood. But he wanted more and run a little more, to other neighborhood. But he was unsatisfied and wanted run more. He run all the county. But he wanted run more and he was running all state of Alabama. He finished running all United States coast to coast. During the trip he met with people who ran with him.
After this, Forrest went to state of Georgia and met with Jenny, his planktonic love. He was a child, called Forrest. They did his child. Jenny also said to Forrest that she got a virus, proably SIDA. This is for the drugs and the sex uncontrolled of Jenny.
They went to Forrest house and finally after some time, Jenny died. Forrest educated Forrest JR. Forrest JR. don't gave the disable of his dad and he was very intelligent.
In my opinion the film is very interesing because Forrest do a lot of things in his live and he do all good. He got a spirit of overcoming great! He met this a lot of american presidents althrough he got a 75 IQ.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Death of Tomizawa
Last GP of Misano, in San Marino, the japanese motorbike rider Shoya Tomizawa (Moto2 class) died for a fatal accident. This notice is a terrible notice for MotoGP fans because any rider in the last 7 years.
The accident was chilling because Tomizawa fall after one turn and the riders Scott Redding and Alex de Angelis run over on japanese rider. One bike crash with Tomizawa's back and the other bike with him shoulders. The collision was a 250 km per hour so at the first moment everybody was scared for Shoya.
During MotoGP race the new was confirmed and when the race was finished all MotoGP riders were very shocked.
Dani Pedrosa (winner in MotoGP race) said that he don't knew what he felt because he win for 4 time this season and Tomizawa lost him life.
Jorge Lorenzo (MotoGP world champion) said that when somebody lose him life in the court nothing matter.
In my opinion this tragic death shouldn't be scary to the rest of riders of all classes because the segurity measures are very big. However, the MotoGP bosses could do more for intensify the segurity but, how I said, this segurity now is more bigger than 7 o 8 years ago.
The MotoGP fans hope that this death were the last of the history of World Championship of MotoGP.
Shoya was nombred in October (he died in September) best rider in Moto2.
The accident was chilling because Tomizawa fall after one turn and the riders Scott Redding and Alex de Angelis run over on japanese rider. One bike crash with Tomizawa's back and the other bike with him shoulders. The collision was a 250 km per hour so at the first moment everybody was scared for Shoya.
During MotoGP race the new was confirmed and when the race was finished all MotoGP riders were very shocked.
Dani Pedrosa (winner in MotoGP race) said that he don't knew what he felt because he win for 4 time this season and Tomizawa lost him life.
Jorge Lorenzo (MotoGP world champion) said that when somebody lose him life in the court nothing matter.
In my opinion this tragic death shouldn't be scary to the rest of riders of all classes because the segurity measures are very big. However, the MotoGP bosses could do more for intensify the segurity but, how I said, this segurity now is more bigger than 7 o 8 years ago.
The MotoGP fans hope that this death were the last of the history of World Championship of MotoGP.
Shoya was nombred in October (he died in September) best rider in Moto2.
Tomizawa in Jerez podium
Tomizawa driving in Qatar where he won.
Champions League
Hello, today I will talk about the UEFA Champions League. The UEFA Champions League is a football competition. In this competition play the bests europeean clubs: Real Madrid, Barça, Chelsea, Inter... Last year the final was in Santiago Bernabeu. The two finalists were Inter de Milano and Bayern Munichen. Inter won at Barcelona in semi-final and Bayern won Olimpic Lyon. The final result was 0-2 for Inter and the scorer was Diego Milito. The top scorer was Lionel Messi with 8 goals. Two years ago the final was in Rome. The finialists were Barça and Manchester United. Barça won this match and complete the three titles: League, Champions and Cup of King.
This year, Champions League have got a lot of aspirants for win: Chelsea (England champion), Barça (spanish champion), Inter (italian champion), Manchester United and Real Madrid. My favourite team is Real Madrid. I hope that this year can win the Champions League. Real Madrid is the best team in the history in Champions League: Madrid got 9 titles! Unfortunaly Real Madrid, lasts 8 years, fell in round of 16. This year Real Madrid sings a new coach, Jose Mourinho. He had won the Champions two times: in 2003-04 with Porto and in 2009-10 with Inter de Milano.
This year, Champions League have got a lot of aspirants for win: Chelsea (England champion), Barça (spanish champion), Inter (italian champion), Manchester United and Real Madrid. My favourite team is Real Madrid. I hope that this year can win the Champions League. Real Madrid is the best team in the history in Champions League: Madrid got 9 titles! Unfortunaly Real Madrid, lasts 8 years, fell in round of 16. This year Real Madrid sings a new coach, Jose Mourinho. He had won the Champions two times: in 2003-04 with Porto and in 2009-10 with Inter de Milano.
UEFA Champions League
Inter with the cup of Champions. (2009-10)
Barça with Campions title. (2008-09)
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